Demolition Man is a video game based on the 1993 film of the same name, released for the 3DO. Players assume the role of John Spartan, portrayed by Sylvester Stallone, who is awakened from cryogenic imprisonment to confront the villain Simon Phoenix, voiced by Wesley Snipes. The game features a blend of live-action cutscenes and original footage, enhancing the narrative experience by incorporating scenes and props directly from the film.
Demolition Man is a game based on the 1993 movie by the same name. You play as John Spartan (Sly Stallone); thawed out from cryo-prison into a peaceful, Utopian future. Your task is to capture your nemesis, the psychopathic Simon Phoenix (Wesley Snipes), who has freed himself from prison and is wreaking havoc around town.
The 3DO version adopts a unique multimedia approach to the concept of a movie tie-in. Cutscenes and clips from the film are used when appropriate, but Stallone and actual props from the film (such as his uniform) were also brought in to shoot bluescreen clips specifically for the game. Stallone is placed inside the CD environments, setting up the coming gameplay sequences, which loosely act as an expanded `director's cut` of events in the film