Night Trap is a multimedia interactive film video game released for the 3DO in 1994. Players assume the role of a security agent tasked with protecting five girls visiting a lakeside house from a group of vampires. Using a system of traps, players must strategically capture the enemies while preventing the girls from falling victim to the sinister plot. The game combines live-action video with decision-making gameplay.
Five girls go to a party to a nice house on a lakeside. Five girls disappear without a trace... Now another five girls go there, in order to spend the vacation with the Martins, the owners of the house, in particular with the lovely Ms. Martin. This time, you should not let them die a gruesome death! Because `nice people` can sometimes turn out to be... yes, that's right - vampires. The whole house is full of traps, that are intended to catch the poor innocent girls, so that the vampires can suck their blood... ugh. Luckily, the brave adventurer is there in order to cease to be hunted and to become a hunter instead! Set the traps so that they will capture the villains themselves, using precise timing and good organization.