Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon S, known in Japan as Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S, is an action video game released on 3DO. Developed by TOSE and published by Bandai in 1995, the game is based on Naoko Takeuchi's Sailor Moon shōjo manga and anime. It has a gameplay style similar to other titles in the genre, like SNK's Samurai Shodown. The game essentially follows the third season of the anime, where players take the role of either the Inner Senshi or Outer Senshi. The objective is to triumph in a tournament, with Naoko Takeuchi supervising its production and anime series cast reprising their roles.
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S is an Action game, developed by TOSE and published by Bandai, which was released in Japan in 1995. It is based upon Naoko Takeuchi's Sailor Moon shōjo manga and anime series, though its gameplay has been compared with other titles in the same genre such as SNK's Samurai Shodown. Loosely following the third season of the anime series, which adapted the third arc of the manga, the players control either one of the five original Inner Senshi or one of the three Outer Senshi as they enter a tournament to fight against each other and become the winning victor. Takeuchi supervised the production of the project and seiyūs from the anime series returned to reprise their roles.