Shock Wave is a combat flight simulation game released for the 3DO in 1994. Set in 2019 during an alien invasion, players control a pilot aboard the orbital space carrier Omaha. Tasked with defending Earth, players engage in aerial combat against various alien units across ten missions. Resource management is crucial as players must monitor ammunition and fuel, utilizing supply depots strategically while experiencing live-action cutscenes that advance the narrative.
The year is 2019 and the alien invasion is here. In a surprise attack, the aliens decimate Earth's military forces. Mankind's only hope is the surviving orbital space carrier Omaha and its squadron of F-177 pilots. As the young and unexperienced member of the squadron, it is your job to drive the aliens from the planet.
From the cockpit of your F-177 fighter, you can destroy the aliens who attack in vehicles like large walkers or quick and small aircraft. Use your lasers or missiles, but watch your ammunition and fuel and refill them from a supply depot if needed. The ten missions take you all over the globe, from Cairo to Los Angeles to the Congo. Between missions, live-action cutscenes continue the story.