"Takeru: Letter of the Law" is a video game developed for 3DO. The game, envisioned by Buichi Terasawa, unfolds as an interactive manga utilizing vibrant colors. The narrative draws players into the journey of protagonist Takeru Ichimonji against a malevolent sorceress in an environment blending feudal and futuristic Japanese elements. The gameplay mechanism allows players to reveal voice-overs and action events by navigating the screen, impacting the storyline with their choices, and engaging in object-based puzzle games. The game's content is spread over two CD-ROMs, containing three chapters and over 50,000 digitally animated frames. While the game features violent themes and lightly-dressed female characters, it maintains an immersive and compelling narrative.
Created by artist Buichi Terasawa, Takeru is a full-color computerized interactive manga. Follow the hero Takeru Ichimonji in his battle against an evil sorceress in the land of Yamato, sort of an amalgam of feudal and futuristic Japan.
Interaction consists of scrolling the mouse to uncover voice-over and action events, making choices that affect the direction of the story arc, and a few object-based puzzle games. Three chapters of the comic span 2 CD-ROMs, with over 50,000 frames of digital animation. Features a fair amount of violence and, of course, scantily clad female characters.