The Last Bounty Hunter is a straightforward shooting game for 3DO, produced in the style of Mad Dog McCree by American Laser Games. It contains a video backdrop that users interact with using a mouse or a light gun to dispel enemies and safeguard civilians. The narrative revolves around the user's character, a bounty hunter and one of the final ones remaining, arriving in a crime-ridden Wild West town to assist the town sheriff in eliminating criminals.
The Last Bounty Hunter is a simple shooter in the tradition of American Laser Games's Mad Dog McCree. Fairly simple in design, it features a video background with which you interact - you use your mouse or a light gun to literally shoot your foes and protect the innocent.
The story is this: you're a bounty hunter, one of the last, who come to a crime-infested Wild Western town to aid its Sheriff in getting rid of the criminals.