Twisted: The Game Show is a trivia challenge game developed for the 3DO, supporting up to four players. Drawing inspiration from the You Don't Know Jack series, the game blends live-action character videos with computer graphics. Players begin with an introduction by host Twink Fizzdale and choose their character by viewing video clips. Progression on the game board is determined by responses to trivia questions, mini-games, and puzzles.
Similar to the You Don't Know Jack series of games, Twisted: The Game Show is a trivia challenge game for up to 4 players. The game offers a humorous mix of live character video and computer graphics.
After an introduction by the host Twink Fizzdale, you can select your personality by viewing video clips of the various characters egging you on to select them. You advance or retreat through the game board based on your responses to various puzzles, mini-games and trivia questions.