Who Shot Johnny Rock? is an interactive live-action video game by American Laser Games, known for titles like Mad Dog McCree and Crime Patrol. Set in the 1920's gangster era, the player's mission is to identify and bring to justice the individual responsible for the murder of singer Johnny Rock. Unlike previous American Laser Games, the player wield a superior tommy gun that doesn't need reloading but has limited ammunition requiring players to purchase more, illustrating slight gameplay variations. A unique feature is the money-based life system, where losing all money results in game termination.
Another live-actor arcade shooter by American Laser Games (makers of Mad Dog McCree and Crime Patrol), Who Shot Johnny Rock is set in the classic 1920's style gangster era.
As the title suggests, you're supposed to find out who shot singer Johnny Rock (or at least who hired the guys who shot him) and put them behind bars.
There are some differences between this game and previous American Laser Games shooters. Instead of a wimpy pistol, you get a tommy gun (which doesn't need to be reloaded). Unfortunately, you also have limited ammo and need to buy more at times. Instead of lives you have a fixed supply of money, and each time you die you lose some cash. Lose it all and it's game over.