Comic Party is a visual novel game released for the Sega Dreamcast. Set in Tokyo Big Sight during a prominent doujinshi convention, players follow the protagonist Sendou Kazuki as he discovers the vibrant world of amateur comic artists. Encouraged by his friend Taishi, Kazuki decides to create his own doujinshi despite opposition from his childhood friend Mizuki, who holds a negative view of otaku culture.
Early April, Sendou Kazuki is invited by his friend, Kuhonbutsu Taishi, to come with him to Tokyo Big Sight. He is surprised to see thousands of people waiting in line to get in. Apparently they're at Comic Party, a giant doujinshi convention. Once inside, Kazuki meets some of the doujinshi artists and is surprised to find himself enjoying their work. Taishi convinces Kazuki to draw doujinshi after their visit because he recognizes Kazuki's skill as an artist, but Kazuki's childhood friend Takase Mizuki tries to talk him out of it because she believes otakus are smelly, dirty, and disgusting. Her reasoning doesn't help because Kazuki already made up his mind and begins to draw his first doujinshi.