D2 is a survival horror game developed by WARP for the Sega Dreamcast. Released in Japan in 1999 and in North America in 2000, it was directed by Kenji Eno and is the third installment in the D series, following D and Enemy Zero. The game features the digital actress Laura in an independent narrative. D2 marked WARP's last title before rebranding to Superwarp and shifting to online services in 2001.
A survival horror video game developed by WARP for the Dreamcast. It was published by WARP in Japan in 1999 and then by Sega in North America in 2000. D2 was written and directed by Kenji Eno, and serves as the third and final entry in the D series after D and Enemy Zero. Like the previous two games, D2 stars the digital actress Laura and serves as an independent story unrelated to either game.
D2 is also WARP's final game before changing their name to `Superwarp` and transitioning from video game development to online network services in August, 2001.