Disney's Dinosaur is an action-adventure game for the Sega Dreamcast, inspired by the animated film. Players control Aladar, Flia, and Zini as they navigate 11 stages, facing challenges such as rescuing eggs and battling Velociraptors. Each character possesses unique skills, encouraging teamwork to overcome obstacles and solve puzzles while evading meteor showers in a vivid 3D environment.
The soaring Disney epic about the dinosaurs now has its very own game for the PC. Your species faces the grim possibility of extinction, and you're just the prehistoric monster to stop things before they get out of hand. Control Aladar, Flia, and Zini in this detailed, 3D game based on the film. You'll have to find and save eggs, battle deadly Raptors, and escape meteor showers throughout the 11 stages of this incredible tale. Each character has unique abilities, and the only way to solve the puzzles and make it to the game's end is by employing good, old-fashioned teamwork.