Fur Fighters is an action-adventure game for the Sega Dreamcast, where players control a team of anthropomorphic stuffed animals on a mission to rescue kidnapped baby toys from the Stupid Bears, a gang of evil teddy bears. Players utilize the unique abilities of various characters, including kangaroos and penguins, to solve puzzles and defeat enemies, switching characters as needed to achieve specific objectives.
A group of baby stuffed animals are kidnapped from their families by the Stupid Bears (an evil gang of stuffed teddy bears, of all things!), and it is up to the Fur Fighters to save the young ones.
The group that you control ranges from Kangaroos and Penguins to Cats and Dogs, all with their unique abilities and styles of fighting, which you must use to not only defeat the Stupid Bears, but complete puzzles and specific objectives along the way. You can control only one character at a time, but there are teleport areas so that you can change your character to one that can complete the tasks at hand.