Godzilla Generations Maximum Impact is a rail shooter developed for the Sega Dreamcast and serves as a sequel to Godzilla Generations. Based on the iconic Japanese film series, players control Godzilla in two gameplay styles: rampaging through urban environments to destroy military forces and engaging in battles against various giant monsters from the franchise. The game features shooting mechanics, dodging, and lock-on targeting.
Godzilla Generations: Maximum Impact is a sequel to the Dreamcast launch title Godzilla Generations. Both are based on the famous Japanese movies series around the eponymous Godzilla, a giant dinosaur-like monster.
The game is a rail shooter like the famed Panzer Dragoon, where you move on a fixed path but can shoot in all directions to take down waves of approaching enemies. The game also features a dodge and a lock-on mechanic. The gameplay is divided in two kinds of levels. The first style features Godzilla rampaging through a Japanese city and taking down all kinds of military devices which try to stop him. The second kind of level is a fight between Godzilla and other giant monsters from the various films.