Gunlord is a platform shooter game developed for the Sega Dreamcast. The storyline follows Gordian Gaiden, who embarks on a quest to rescue his missing wife, Vanessa, after her defeat of the Evil Empire in Last Hope. As he explores the galaxy, he confronts a new threat, The Master, a malevolent planet lord capable of summoning robotic foes, culminating in his battle on the planet Kairos II.
After the space pilot Vanessa Gaiden defeated the Evil Empire in the events of the game Last Hope, she got missing on her way back and wasn't heard of anymore. Vanessa's husband, Gordian Gaiden, sets out to search for her. Meanwhile, a new evil has appeared in the galaxy: a planet lord called `The Master`, who can create and control evil beings made of steel, and uses his power to terrorize the galaxy. On his search, Gordian comes across the evil presence of The Master and sets out in his Gunlord suit for the planet Kairos II.