Love Hina Totsuzen no Engeji Happening is a video game for the Sega Dreamcast based on the popular manga series Love Hina. The game revolves around Keitarou Urashima, who is struggling to pass the Tokyo University entrance exam. He receives support from a new resident, Fujisawa Mizuho, a student tasked with tutoring him. The stakes rise as Mizuho promises to marry him if he fails the exam.
There is a new girl in the Hinata Sou. Her name is Fujisawa Mizuho and she is a Tokyo University Student. She is asked by Keitarou-kun's grandmother to become a tutor for Keitarou-kun. If Keitarou-kun fail to pass the coming Entrance Exam for Tokyo University, Mizuho-chan says that she will take the responsibility for it and marry Keitarou-kun.