Resident Evil Code: Veronica is a survival horror video game developed by Capcom for the Sega Dreamcast. Serving as the fourth installment in the Resident Evil series, the game follows the protagonist as they navigate a haunting environment, combating creatures and solving intricate puzzles. It marks the series' transition to a fully polygonal 3D engine while maintaining its signature static camera angles.
Resident Evil Code: Veronica is the fourth video game in Capcom's Resident Evil survival horror series. The game continues the survival horror gameplay of its predecessors: the protagonist explores the surroundings, fighting monsters and solving puzzles. However, it is the first game in the series to do away with pre-rendered backgrounds using a fully polygonal 3D engine instead, which allows for features such as real-time lighting and camera movement. Still, such movements are only used sparingly, and the use of perspective is mostly unchanged from earlier installments: the camera automatically switches to different static angles showing protagonists, monsters and rooms from different spooky viewpoints.