Run=Dim as Black Soul is a turn-based strategy RPG for the Sega Dreamcast, based on the anime series Run=Dim. The game is set in a dystopian future where rising sea levels have submerged a portion of Japan. Players confront the malevolent military organization JESAS, which seeks to dominate Japan using advanced mechas. It is the second installment in the Run=Dim series, following The Mech Smith Run=Dim for PlayStation 2.
A Turn-Based Strategy RPG based on the anime series Run=Dim, set in a dystopian future where 1/10th of Japan has sunk due to global warming and an evil military organization named "JESAS" has set it's sight on controlling the future of Japan with mechas. Being the second game in the series (the first being "The Mech Smith Run=Dim" for the PlayStation 2) developed by Idea Factory.