Sentimental Graffiti 2 is a visual novel developed for the Sega Dreamcast. Set in a college town, the story revolves around Shiina Kouhei, a second-year student and Photography Club member. Following the death of the original protagonist, Kouhei seeks a model for a photo exhibition by engaging with twelve emotionally affected girls, each shaped by their past experiences.
The second game takes place in a world in which the first protagonist died in a traffic accident during his journey. The game takes place in a college town in which the original 12 girls have gathered to attend. The protagonist, Shiina Kouhei, is a second-year college student and a member of the Photography Club. He has been tasked with the job of finding his own model for the photo exhibition at the upcoming school festival, and thus turns to one of the now emotionally scarred girls in hopes of convincing them to become his model.