Shenmue is an action-adventure game developed by Yu Suzuki for the Sega Dreamcast. Set in Yokosuka, Japan, it follows Ryo Hazuki, a young martial artist seeking to avenge his father's murder. Players explore an open world, interact with numerous characters, participate in martial arts combat, and experience a detailed environment that captures the essence of Japanese culture and life.
"He shall appear from a far Eastern land across the sea. A young man who has yet to know his potential. This potential is a power that can either destroy him, or realize his will. His courage shall determine his fate. The path he must traverse, fraught with adversity, I await whilst praying. For this destiny predetermined since ancient times... A pitch, black night unfolds with the morning star as its only light. And thus the saga, begins..."
This first chapter of Shenmue kicks off Yu Suzuki's cinematic Dreamcast tour-de-force, an exploration-heavy adventure that has players immerse themselves in Yokosuka, Japan. Players slip into the role of a young martial artist named Ryo Hazuki, who is on the trail of his father's killer. On the way, players must talk with hundreds of characters, engage in martial arts battles, and marvel at the realistic depiction of the Japanese coastal town.