Sonic Adventure 2 is a platform game developed for the Sega Dreamcast, serving as a sequel to Sonic Adventure. Introduced are characters Shadow and Rouge, who became staples in the franchise. The narrative pits heroes Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles against villains Shadow, Doctor Eggman, and Rouge. Gameplay is categorized into three styles: high-speed platforming, shooting, and exploration.
Sonic Adventure 2 is the sequel to Sonic Adventure. It was the final Sonic game for the Dreamcast after Sega discontinued the console. Two new playable characters were introduced, Shadow and Rouge, who would go on to become two of the most recurring characters in the Sonic series. The story features good vs evil: Sonic, Tails and Knuckles attempt to save the world, while Shadow, Doctor Eggman and Rouge attempt to conquer it. The levels are divided into three gameplay styles: fast-paced platforming for Sonic and Shadow, multi-directional shooting for Tails and Eggman, and action-exploration for Knuckles and Rouge.