South Park Rally is a racing video game for the Sega Dreamcast based on the animated television series South Park. Players select characters from the show's ensemble and compete in various races using eccentric vehicles such as carts and trikes. The game features comical weapons and power-ups, alongside original voice work from the series, enhancing the immersive experience. A four-player mode allows for competitive multiplayer racing.
Choose your character from the cast of the popular 'mature' cartoon South Park, and tear through the streets in this racing game. Your character's vehicle may be a little cart, trike, or box, for example. Weapons include rockets, Salty Balls, Cheesy Poofs, the beloved Cow and even an Anal probe. All of the voices are also included, making it feel more like the real cartoon than a rally game. You can also play an all-on-all 4 player mode.