Space Channel 5 is a rhythm-based video game developed by Sega for the Dreamcast, set in the 25th century. Players control Ulala, an intergalactic reporter who combats the Morolians, an alien race that captures humans through dance. To free the victims, players must replicate the Morolians' dance moves in time with the music. Throughout her journey, Ulala encounters additional threats seeking to conquer the universe.
It's the 25th century and our intergalactic space reporter dives into an adventure where she must battle with a series of dastardly villains! Are you ready to save the universe through the medium of dance? You must first battle wicked space nasties, the Morolians, who have attacked and subdued innocent Earthlings with their dance-inflicting ray guns. In order to break the Morolian's hypnotic grasp, Ulala must mimic the aliens' exact dance moves by keeping the beat with pauses timed to perfection. But the adventure isn't over just yet; Ulala must also face another group of intergalactic terrorists who have designs on world domination.