World Neverland Plus: Orurudo Oukoku Monogatari is the inaugural title in the World Neverland series for Sega Dreamcast. Set in a vibrant fictional realm, players engage in a life simulation experience where they can form relationships, marry, raise families, and pursue careers. Character development includes learning skills like swordplay and magic, with player decisions shaping the narrative and interactions with over 120 residents.
The first installment of the World Neverland series. Players are invited to `experience of fiction life`.
World Neverland: Olerun Oukoku Monogatari is the first game in the World Neverland series. The game takes places in a fictional world in which the characters make friends, fall in love, get married, have children, do jobs, and grow old. In the game, the player's character can learn swordplay, martial arts, and magic to increase their stats. There are about 120 different people living in the game's world. The player's choices have a significant impact on the overall story of the game.