Atomic Betty is a platform action game for the Game Boy Advance based on the animated television series. Players control Betty, who transforms into the intergalactic hero Atomic Betty. Alongside her sidekicks, Sparky and X-5, Betty embarks on missions to thwart the plans of the villainous Maximus I.Q. while balancing her everyday life. The game features five playable characters, ship travel, various gadgets, and an engaging storyline.
Betty has a lot more to handle than most little girls. To her friends and family, she is your average, girl-next-door, but when the galaxy beckons, she becomes Atomic Betty, Galactic Guardian and Defender of the Cosmos. With the help of her trusty sidekicks, Sparky and X-5, Betty must save the galaxy from the evil Maximus I.Q., while at the same time saving her reputation on Earth from the scheming of her archrival, Penelope. `Atomic Betty's` five playable characters, rocket ship travel, selectable gadgets and weapons, and fast-paced story bring the cartoon hit to life.