Babar: To the Rescue is a platform game developed for the Game Boy Advance. The narrative follows Babar as he embarks on an adventure to save his sons Pom and Alexander, along with their cousin Arthur, who drift away in a hot air balloon. Players guide Babar through various levels, overcoming obstacles and enemies to reunite the family in the whimsical world of Celesteville.
On a beautiful day in Celesteville, Babar's two sons, Pom, Alexander and his cousin Arthur are playing hide and seek with the monkey Zephir. In the courtyard of the castle, two huge hot air balloons are tied to the ground and Pom and Alexander decide to use one of them as a hiding place. Suddenly the rope holding the balloon is accidentally loosened and the balloon slowly rises up, high into the sky, drifting away with the wind. When Babar finds out, he quickly gets in the second hot air balloon and flies off into the wilderness to rescue his two sons...