Banjo-Pilot is a kart racing game for the Game Boy Advance, originally intended as Diddy Kong Pilot. It features eight characters from the Banjo-Kazooie series, such as Banjo, Kazooie, and Mumbo Jumbo, each piloting unique aircraft with individual storylines. The game supports multiplayer mode via link cable, allowing up to four players to compete.
Banjo Pilot is a kart-style racing game which was originally slated to become `Diddy Kong Pilot.` It features at least eight characters from the Banjo-Kazooie series, each with its own aircraft and storyline, including Banjo, Mumbo Jumbo, Humba Wumba, Guntilda, Klungo, Jolly Roger and Kazooie. The game includes link cable support for up to four players.