Darius R is a shoot 'em up video game developed for the Game Boy Advance and released exclusively in Japan in 2002. This title serves as a remixed iteration of the original Darius, utilizing familiar assets. The game employs a scrolling camera to adapt to the GBA's resolution. It features an initial stage reminiscent of the original, with subsequent levels showcasing unique graphics and remixed music, allowing for stage replayability.
Darius R is a shoot em up video game released in 2002 for the Game Boy Advance only in Japan. This game is a remixed version of Darius, which reuses assets from the original game.
Due to the small resolution of the GBA, and since the game never scales the large Arcade sprites, the camera follows the the player up and down to compensate. While the first stage is more or less based on the first stage from the original game, the remaining stages are all exclusive to this title, featuring unique background graphics and remixed tracks from previous titles in the series. Stages can be replayed once they are beaten in the regular Arcade Mode.