Digimon Adventure is a platformer game for the Game Boy Advance, inspired by the Digimon franchise. Utilizing an engine similar to Pocket Monster, it features six levels with two boss encounters. Players control Agumon, capable of shooting fireballs, and can transform into Greymon upon collecting specific items. The game has drawn graphics and audio from various sources, including Castlevania and Bonkers.
Digimon Adventure (aka Digimon) is a bootleg platformer for the SNES and Game Boy Advance based on Digimon.
Digimon Adventure uses the same engine as Pocket Monster, thus the gameplay mechanics are the same. The game spans six levels, which include two boss fights. The only playable character is Agumon. The player can attack enemies by pressing A to shoot a fireball. Each level has a strawberry item that, once collected, transforms that the player into Greymon, who's fireball attack is much larger and stronger. Once the player loses all their lives, they're given a chance to continue, which seems to have no limit.
The game steals nearly all of its graphics from numerous other sources. Of all the levels, so far the only identified source is the background from the last battle being taken from Castlevania Dracula X. The sound engine and music are also stolen from Bonkers for the SNES, which, like the game engine, is also used in Pocket Monster and Pokemon Gold and Silver.