Disney's Home on the Range for Game Boy Advance continues the story from the animated film. Players control farm animals Buck, Jeb, and Lucky Jack as they pursue escaped outlaws Alameda Slim, Rico, and the Willies. The game features various locations from the movie and emphasizes action-packed adventure as the characters work to recapture the criminals and restore peace on the farm.
The Home on the Range GBA takes up where the movie left off. Alameda Slim, Rico and the three Willies have escaped from jail and are up to their old tricks. Ever since Buck, Maggie and the other farm animals helped put the outlaws behind bars, they have been schemin' to escape jail. Now, they're out and it's up to Buck, Jeb, Lucky Jack and the others to round them up once more! Many familiar locations from the film are revisited in this high-spirited action adventure.