F-Zero Climax is the sixth entry in the F-Zero franchise and the third for the Game Boy Advance. Notably, it introduces a built-in track editor, allowing players to create and save custom tracks in up to thirty slots. These tracks can be shared with others using a link cable, and if necessary, players can use generated passwords to reconstruct tracks on any F-Zero Climax cartridge.
F-Zero Climax is the sixth installment in the F-Zero series and the third to be released for the Game Boy Advance. This is the first F-Zero game to have a built-in track editor without the need for an expansion or add-on. Custom tracks can be saved to one of thirty slots for future use and they can be exchanged with other players via link cable. If memory becomes full or link cable connection cannot be done, the game can generate a password for the track; when it is input on any F-Zero Climax cartridge, the password will generate the track instantly.