Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls: FF1: Dawn of Souls - Hard Mode Gameboy Advance

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Important: Please read the patching instructions before trying to play this hack.

This is a hard difficulty hack of Final Fantasy 1 - Dawn of Souls. No changes were made to FF2. It is based off of Ludmeister's "Mod of Balance" version 2.2 hack, so it is required that you download and apply that first. Please read the Set-up Instructions below, or check the readme document. You must follow the steps. :)

The reason for me basing this off his 2.2 version is because after his 3.0 update, he radically changed the "Job System" by allowing you to choose any of the 12 classes from the beginning of the game. For those that didn't like that, he recommended downloading version 2.2 which used the original Job change mechanic, but lacked some of the new updates. The goal for this hack was to combine all the updates from version 3.0 and up, and put them into version 2.2. (minus the 12 Job feature, of course) While not everything made the cut, there is plenty more that's been added to make the adventure fresh and challenging. (well, hopefully!)

One thing you'll notice right away is stats being listed in-game for each weapon and armor piece. You'll know exactly what it offers, without having to look them up in the readme document. :) You'll also notice that this version is much harder in difficulty - which is the most important part!

This project was originally intended for personal use only, but a lot of work ended up being done to make the experience new. Thanks goes to Ludmeister for his fantastic work on DoS, and his Mod of Balance! Thank you!

What's New?

  • Ludmeister's Mod of Balance Features:

  • Set-up Instructions:

  • It's very important that you first apply Mod of Balance version 2.2, before applying my hack. If you try to apply my hack to a clean rom, there will be many item/magic bugs, and other weird things. If you can buy Genji Armor in Cornelia's armor shop, you didn't patch it right. ;) Also, another way to see if you patched it correctly is check your starting gil for a new game. It should be 300 gil. The reason for the glitches is because ludmeister made a lot of changes to various pointers. So my hack relies on that, and even changes them further in a couple of instances.

    ______ _ _ ______ _
    | ____(_) | | | ____| | |
    | |__ _ _ __ __ _| | | |__ __ _ _ __ | |_ __ _ ___ _ _
    | __| | | '_ \ / _` | | | __/ _` | '_ \| __/ _` / __| | | |
    | | | | | | | (_| | | | | | (_| | | | | || (_| \__ \ |_| |
    |_| |_|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_| \__,_|_| |_|\__\__,_|___/\__. |
    __/ |
    -Dawn of Souls Hack |___/

    -Hard Mode for Mod of Balance
    -Hack by: Ice Penguin
    -Release Date: 4-3-14
    -Last Update: 4-12-14
    -Version: 1.2

    Check the Version History for a list of changes from the latest update!

    o>==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>==<===>==<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<== | -- Table of Contents -- |
    Use Ctrl+F to find what you're looking for, and copy/paste the brackets {}.

    {00} Hello! and Welcome!
    {01} How to Play this Hack
    {02} What's new?
    {03} Stats
    {04} Weapon Equipment
    {05} Armor Equipment
    {06} Magic
    {07} Enemy Loot
    {08} Bonus Dungeon Treasures
    {09} Rare Enemies
    {10} Version History and Known/Fixed Bugs
    {11} Credits and Copyright

    o>==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>==<===>==<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<== | {00} Hello! and Welcome! |
    Important: Please read the patching instructions before playing this hack.

    Hello. Welcome to my hack. The first thing I want to say is that this hack
    is based off of Ludmeister's "Mod of Balance" hack.

    This hack retains some of the features from the Mod of Balance, but there are
    also many new things to experience.

    Ludmeister's hack currently has 2 main versions - Version 3.3 and Version 2.2

    After his 3.0 update, he radically changed the "Job System" by allowing you
    to choose any of the 12 classes from the beginning of the game. For those
    that didn't like that, he recommended downloading version 2.2 which used the
    original Job change mechanic, but lacked some of the new updates.

    My goal for this hack was to combine all the updates from version 3.0 and up,
    and put them into version 2.2. (minus the 12 Job feature, of course) While
    not everything made the cut, there is plenty more I've added to make it feel
    like a new experience.

    One thing you'll notice right away is stats being listed in-game for each
    weapon and armor piece. You'll know exactly what it offers, without having
    to look them up in this readme. :) You'll also notice that this version is
    much harder in difficulty - which is the most important part.

    Initially this was just a personal project for myself, but then I got carried
    away and ended up changing many, many things. That's why I've decided to
    release it. Enjoy!

    o>==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>==<===>==<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<== | {01} How to Play this Hack |
    To play this hack, follow these steps:

    1: Download Ludmeister's Mod of Balance 2.2 version. The file version at says version 3.0, but it includes version 2.2 in the same
    package. You can also download version 2.2 from ludmeister's website.

    2: Next, apply the 2.2 Mod of Balance patch to a clean Dawn of Souls rom.
    Download LunarIPS to apply the patch.

    3: After you apply Ludmeister's 2.2 Mod of Balance, apply my hack on top of
    that same rom.

    4: Done!

    It?s very important that you first apply Mod of Balance version 2.2, before
    applying my hack. If you try to apply my hack to a clean rom, there will be
    many item/magic bugs, and other weird things. If you can buy Genji Armor in
    Cornelia?s armor shop, you didn?t patch it right. ;) Also, another way to
    see if you patched it correctly is check your starting gil for a new game. It
    should be 300 gil.

    The reason for the glitches is because ludmeister made a lot of changes to
    various pointers. So my hack relies on that, and even changes them further
    in a couple of instances.

    o>==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>==<===>==<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<== | {02} What's new? |
    I made no changes to FF2, in this hack. Here is a list of everything I've
    changed in FF1:

    01.Much harder difficulty.
    02.More enemies inflict status ailments with their basic attacks. They
    were assigned based on the monster's habitat, or design, so they don't
    feel out of place.
    03.Enemy stats increased; HP, Atk, Def, Eva, Etc. Bosses have a lot more
    health so they don't feel like weakling pushovers. Of course if you
    grind, no enemy will offer a challenge. ;)
    04.Enemy AI; I added spells and abilities to some enemy AI tables. Also
    increased/decreased the attack rates for some enemies.
    05.Enemy encounters; Some enemies were relocated or removed from certain
    maps in the game. The rare monsters in stock FF1 DoS are even more rare.
    06.Enemy loot; Each monster has treasure, and that treasure was given to
    monsters at strategically chosen points of the game to allow you to get
    benefits from grinding - If you love that sort of thing. Gear scales
    accordingly and is fair. Check the loot section below!
    07.Character stats; Lower starting stats for each character.
    08.Stat growth; Rebalanced the gains of Accuracy and Magic Defense when you
    level up. Other stats, such as Strength, Agility, etc., are unchanged.
    09.New weapons; Some weapons in the stock game were kinda useless, so I gave
    them new stats, gfx, skills, magic abilites, etc. They are rare, though,
    since they are ultimate weapons now.
    10.New Armor; Some new armors that are worth your time to find. Also, each
    armor piece provides HP and MP % boosts. Find the best ones!
    11.New Spells; changed the properties of a few spells, made some new ones.
    12.Greatly increased MP costs of magic; You'll feel the pressure early on,
    and you won't be able to stack those Tempers to 1-shot bosses. I wanted
    to give the feeling of limited MP like original NES FF1. (to some
    extent at least, I hope I succeeded)
    13.Swapped the contents of a few treasure chests; This made some items even
    more rare. (for example, Genji Armor can't be found in a chest anymore)
    14.Item descriptions include various stats (atk, def, crit%, etc.) Now
    you can make an informed decision as to what weapon/armor you want to
    buy. As a result, of course, all flavor text is gone. But once you
    see those stats, I think you'll quite enjoy it.
    15.Item/magic prices have been increased.
    16.You can no longer buy Phoenix Downs from shops. They are dropped by
    various enemies as loot, instead. Refer to the loot section for the
    best drop rates.
    17.Drastically increased the drop rates for enemy loot. The ultimate
    weapons/armor still have low rates, though, cause they are awesome.
    18.Shops have smaller inventories.
    19.The caravan sells plus items, but at high prices. This is for the
    end-game, when you earn lots of gil.
    20.Renamed a few enemies/items/spells/equipment/stuff. Redid a lot of
    item descriptions, as well.
    21.Many other small things; rebalancing stuff, etc.

    Since this hack is based from Ludmeister's Mod of Balance, there are other
    things in this hack that are his work. Check the link below to see what he
    has done:

    (keep in mind that this is a new hack so many things are different than
    what his Mod of Balance offers)

    Huge improvements such as displaying Magic Defense and # of Hits in the
    character status screen are done by him. He also removed the stat caps
    of 99, and raised the HP/MP caps to 9999! He also added the damage bonus to
    the Holy Staff, and regeneration to the Angel's Ring. Major stuff like that
    is thanks to his superior skills. :) Go to his site and support him!


    This hack is much harder than the original game, as well as Ludmeister's
    Mod of Balance. Enemies are far more challenging. Not only did I increase
    their stats, but I altered many AI tables to make the later enemies hit
    you harder with more abilities. (mostly the rarer enemies, and bosses)

    Since enemies are harder, I altered formations a little bit to be more
    fair - Things like enemy quantity, group combinations, etc.


    Also, you can escape from every single battle if you want to. (except a few
    treasure chest battles, and bosses) For example, you can't run from the
    forced Crown battle in Marsh Cave. Stuff like that...

    The reason I decided to do this is because I realize the bonus dungeons can
    be quite tedious. Hopefully things will be more bearable now. One area
    that is much easier to finish is Bahamut's room, in Whisperwind Cove - If you
    don't find the right colored dragon, just run away. :p

    Many changes were made to weapons, armor, and magic. Check the sections
    below to see what's new/different.

    o>==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>==<===>==<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<== | {03} Stats |
    As part of the new challenge, characters all start with lower stats. While
    it makes the beginning slightly more challenging, you won't notice the stat
    difference in the long run. At end game, and with all the best gear, you'll
    be super strong! A lot easier said than done, haha.

    Level 1 Stats:
    Class: | HP | MP |Str:|Agi:|Int:|Sta:|Lck:|Acc:|Eva:|MDef|
    Knight | 35 | 5 | 15 | 1 | 1 | 10 | 3 | 5 | 1 | 20 |
    Rogue | 25 | 0 | 10 | 15 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 15 | 15 | 5 |
    Monk | 40 | 0 | 3 | 10 | 1 | 15 | 1 | 12 | 10 | 10 |
    Red Mage | 30 | 10 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 10 | 10 | 5 | 15 |
    White Mage| 25 | 15 | 1 | 3 | 15 | 10 | 1 | 5 | 3 | 25 |
    Black Mage| 20 | 15 | 1 | 10 | 15 | 1 | 3 | 10 | 10 | 25 |

    Main stats are unchanged and still progress according to changes made by
    Ludmeister in his Mod of Balance. The only alterations I made were to the
    accuracy and magic defense increases at level up.

    Bonuses per Level up:
    Class: Accuracy: Magic Defense:|
    Knight/Paladin......... +2/3 ......... +1/3 .....|
    Rogue/Ninja............ +3/4 ......... +1/2 .....|
    Monk/Master............ +2/3 ......... +1/2 .....|
    Red Mage/Wizard........ +2/2 ......... +2/2 .....|
    White Mage/Wizard...... +1/2 ......... +3/4 .....|
    Black Mage/Wizard...... +1/2 ......... +2/3 .....|

    o>==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>==<===>==<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<== | {04} Weapon Equipment |
    Atk = Attack KN = Knight PA = Paladin
    Acc = Accuracy RO = Rogue NI = Ninja
    Cri% = Critical % MO = Monk MA = Master
    Eva = Evade RM = Red Mage RW = Red Wizard
    Str = Strength WM = White Mage WW = White Wizard
    Agi = Agility BM = Black Mage BW = Black Wizard
    Sta = Stamina
    Int = Intellect Elements = Fire, Ice, Thunder, Wind, Earth, Poison

    -Magic castings are listed below.

    -Enemies weak to a weapon's element will receive more damage - or less damage
    if they have resistance to it.

    -The poison weapons don't inflict poison status. Enemies weak to poison will
    receive more damage, however.

    -The new weapons are based on weapons from other Final Fantasy games.

    Weapon: |Atk|Acc|Cri%|Eva|Element|Str|Agi|Sta|Int|Class |
    Knife | 7| 15| 10 | -| - | - | - | - | - |BM,BW,RM,RW,RO,NI |
    Staff | 9| 2| 1 | 5| - | - | - | - | 2 |All |
    Rapier | 12| 6| 5 | 3| - | - | - | - | - |RM,RW,RO,NI,KN,PA |
    Scimitar | 13| 12| 5 | -| - | - | - | - | - |RM,RW,RO,NI,KN,PA |
    Hammer | 14| 3| 1 | -| - | - | - | - | - |WM,WW,KN,PA |
    Mythril Knife | 15| 25| 15 | -| - | - | - | - | - |BM,BW,RM,RW,RO,NI |
    Power Staff | 17| 5| 25 | 10| - | 3 | - | - | 3 |BM,BW,WM,WW,MO,MA,KN,PA|
    Venom Dagger | 18| 25| 15 | -|Poison | - | - | - | - |BM,BW,RM,RW,RO,NI |
    Nunchaku | 20| 5| 15 | -| - | - | - | - | - |MO,MA,NI |
    Main Gauche | 20| 50| 20 | 34| - | - | - | - | - |BM,BW,RM,RW,RO,NI |
    Falchion | 21| 9| 3 | -| - | - | - | - | - |RM,RW,RO,NI,KN,PA |
    Broadsword | 22| 8| 3 | -| - | - | - | - | - |RM,RW,KN,PA,NI |
    Coral Sword | 22| 18| 12 | -| - | - | - | - | - |RM,RW,KN,PA,NI |
    Rune Blade | 23| 20| 8 | -| - | - | - | - | - |RM,RW,RO,NI,KN,PA |
    Wyrmkiller | 24| 20| 12 | -| - | - | - | - | - |RM,RW,KN,PA,NI |
    Glacial Rod | 24| 12| 8 | 10|Ice | - | - | - | 5 |BM,BW,RW |
    Axe | 25| 2| 2 | -| - | 1 | - | - | - |KN,PA |
    Longsword | 25| 12| 6 | 3| - | - | - | - | - |RM,RW,KN,PA,NI |
    Mythril Hammer | 25| 8| 5 | -| - | - | - | - | - |WM,WW,KN,PA |
    Werebuster | 25| 15| 5 | -| - | - | - | - | - |RM,RW,KN,PA,NI |
    Mage Masher | 25| 50| 20 | -| - | - | - | - | 5 |RO,NI,BW,RW |
    Priest's Staff | 27| 15| 1 | 5| - | - | - | 3 | 3 |WM,WW,PA |
    Kotetsu | 27| 25| 25 | 10| - | - | 2 | - | - |RO,NI,MA |
    Mythril Sword | 28| 16| 8 | -| - | - | - | - | - |RM,RW,RO,NI,KN,PA |
    Razer | 28| 40| 20 | -|Poison | - | - | - | - |RW,NI |
    Iron Nunchacku | 30| 10| 20 | -| - | - | - | - | - |MO,MA,NI |
    Wizard's Staff | 30| 22| 3 | 5| - | - | - | - | 7 |BW |
    Vorpal Edge | 30| 32| 30 | 5| - | - | - | - | - |RM,RW,RO,NI,KN,PA |
    Flametongue | 32| 25| 3 | -|Fire | - | - | - | - |RM,RW,KN,PA,NI |
    Orichalcum | 32| 90| 32 | 5| - | - | - | - | - |BW,RW,NI |
    Slasher | 33| 5| 3 | -|Earth | 2 | - | - | - |KN,PA |
    Claymore | 34| 10| 3 | -| - | - | - | - | - |RM,RW,KN,PA,NI |
    Ashura | 34| 30| 30 | -| - | - | - | - | - |RO,NI,MA |
    Mythril Axe | 35| 12| 4 | -| - | 2 | - | - | - |KN,PA |
    Viking's Axe | 35| 18| 5 | 10|Thunder| 4 | - | - | - |KN,PA |
    Thor's Hammer | 36| 10| 5 | -|Thunder| - | - | - | - |WW,PA |
    Zwill Blade | 36| 40| 20 | 25|Wind | - | - | - | - |RM,RW,RO,NI,KN,PA |
    Icebrand | 38| 15| 3 | -|Ice | - | - | - | - |RM,RW,KN,PA,NI |
    Rune Axe | 39| 16| 3 | -| - | 6 | - | - | - |KN,PA |
    Defender | 40| 30| 3 | 15| - | - | - | 5 | - |RW,NI,PA |
    Dark Claymore | 42| 10| 12 | -| - | 3 | - | - | 3 |KN,PA |
    Enhancer | 43| 32| 10 | -| - | - | - | - | 7 |RM,RW,NI,PA |
    Sun Sword | 44| 25| 8 | -|Fire | - | - | - | - |RM,RW,RO,NI,KN,PA |
    Assassin Dagger| 44|120| 50 | 15| - | - | 3 | - | 3 |NI |
    Empyrean Rod | 44| 24| 10 | -|Fire | - | - | - |10 |BW |
    Iga Blade | 45| 44| 40 | 5|Wind | - | 3 | - | - |NI |
    Holy Staff | 50| 30| 5 | 15| - | - | - | - | 5 |WW |
    Koga Blade | 51| 40| 25 | 5|Earth | 5 | - | - | - |NI |
    Ogrekiller | 52| 10| 4 | -| - | 9 | - | - | - |KN,PA |
    Deathbringer | 54| 24| 20 | -| - | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 |RW,NI |
    Excalibur | 60| 30| 5 | -|All | - | - | - | - |PA |
    Gladius | 60| 72| 25 | 10| - | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |RO,NI,BW,RW |
    Warhammer | 63| 5| 3 | -| - | - | - | - | - |WW,PA |
    Masamune | 64| 50| 15 | 10| - | - | - | - | - |BW,WW,RW,MA,NI,PA |
    Ultima Rod | 65| 45| 5 | -| - | - | - | - |15 |BW |
    Lightbringer | 72| 48| 3 | 10| - | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 |RW,PA |
    Rod of Faith | 75| 35| 8 | 10|All | - | - | 5 |10 |WW |
    Braveheart | 80| 50| 16 | -| - | - | - | - | - |KN,PA,RW,NI |
    Healing Axe | 85| 24| 4 | -| - | - | - | - | 5 |WW,PA |
    Ragnarok | 90| 40| 12 | 5|All |10 | 6 | 6 | 6 |RW,PA |
    Murasame | 91| 96| 20 | 15| - | 5 |10 | 5 | 5 |NI |
    Ultima Weapon |100|100| 10 | -| - |10 |10 |10 |10 |BW,WW,RW,MA,NI,PA |
    Air Splitter |112| 5| 5 | -|Wind |15 | - | - | - |PA |
    Excalibur II |120| 60| 10 | -|All |10 | - |10 | - |PA |
    Magic Properties:
    Rune Axe......... Casts Dia.
    Priest's Staff... Casts Heal.
    Glacial Rod...... Casts Blizzard.
    Defender......... Casts Protect.
    Wizard's Staff... Casts Blind.
    Thor's Hammer.... Casts Thundara.
    Razer............ Casts Fear.
    Ragnarok......... Casts Blizzara.
    Murasame......... Casts Stun.
    Lightbringer..... Casts Diara.
    Holy Staff....... Boosts holy spell damage when equipped.
    Empyrean Rod..... Casts Fira.
    Braveheart....... Casts Protect.
    Deathbringer..... Casts Bio.
    Enhancer......... Casts Temper.
    Healing Axe...... Casts Cura.
    Mage Masher...... Casts Mute.
    Air Splitter..... Casts Aero.
    Rod of Faith..... Casts Arise.
    Ultima Rod....... Casts Ultima.
    Excalibur II..... Casts Haste.

    o>==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>==<===>==<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<== | {05} Armor Equipment |
    Def = Defense KN = Knight PA = Paladin
    Wgt = Weight RO = Rogue NI = Ninja
    Eva = Evade MO = Monk MA = Master
    Str = Strength RM = Red Mage RW = Red Wizard
    Agi = Agility WM = White Mage WW = White Wizard
    Sta = Stamina BM = Black Mage BW = Black Wizard
    Int = Intellect
    HP% = Max HP % Boost
    MP% = Max MP % Boost

    PO = Poison MU = Mute
    SL = Sleep ST = Stun
    BL = Blind PE = Petrify
    TI = Time DE = Death

    TH = Thunder
    IC = Ice
    FI = Fire
    WI = Wind
    EA = Earth

    -Magic castings are listed below.

    -Status resistance is not immunity. It just makes those conditions less
    likely to work on you.

    -The time status applies to the Slow, Stop, and X-Zone black magic spells.

    Armor: |Def|Wgt|Eva|Str|Agi|Sta|Int||HP%|MP%|Resist: |Used by: |
    Clothes | 2| -| -| -| -| -| -|| --| --| - |All |
    Leather Armor | 5| 3| -| -| -| -| -|| 1| 1| - |All |
    Silver Vest | 8| 1| 5| -| 1| -| -|| 3| 3| - |All |
    Chain Mail | 10| 8| -| -| -| 1| -|| 5| 1| - |WM,WW,RM,RW,RO,NI,KN,PA |
    Magical Robe | 14| 10| -| -| -| -| 1|| 1| 10|ST |WM,WW,BM,BW,RM,RW,MO,MA,PA,NI|
    Iron Armor | 18| 24| -| -| -| 2| -|| 6| 1|PO |WM,WW,KN,PA,RW,NI |
    Ruby Vest | 18| 1| 10| -| 1| -| 1|| 5| 5| - |All |
    Mythril Mail | 20| 12| -| -| 2| 2| -|| 10| 1| - |WM,WW,RM,RW,KN,PA,NI |
    Bard's Tunic | 24| 1| 8| -| -| -| 1|| 4| 7|SL |All |
    Kenpogi | 25| 1| 11| 3| 3| 3| -|| 10| 1| - |MO,MA |
    Mage's Surplice| 25| 5| -| -| -| -| 5|| 1| 10| - |BM,BW,WM,WW,RM,RW |
    Flame Mail | 28| 10| -| -| -| 3| -|| 5| 3|IC |WM,WW,KN,PA,RW |
    Ice Armor | 30| 20| -| -| -| 3| -|| 3| 5|FI |WM,WW,KN,PA,RW |
    Diamond Vest | 30| 1| -| -| -| 5| -|| 7| 7|TH |All |
    Thief's Vest | 31| 1| 20| -| 5| -| -|| 7| 1|ST |RO,NI |
    Power Vest | 33| 6| -| 10| -| -| -|| 10| 1| - |MA,NI,KN |
    White Robe | 35| 8| -| -| -| 10| 5|| 1| 15|FI,TH |WW,PA |
    Black Robe | 35| 8| -| -| 10| -| 5|| 1| 15|FI,IC |BW,NI |
    Crimson Jacket | 36| 10| -| 5| 5| 5| 5|| 15| 15|BL,MU |RW |
    Ninja Garb | 36| 4| 14| 1| 10| -| -|| 15| 1| - |NI,MA |
    Angel's Robe | 40| 4| -| -| -| 5| 15|| 1| 20|WI,PO,TI |WM,WW |
    Robe of Lords | 40| 4| -| -| 5| -| 15|| 1| 20|EA,BL,ST |BM,BW |
    Dragon's Mail | 41| 16| -| 15| -| -| -|| 20| 1|FI,IC,TH |RW,MA,NI,PA |
    Knight's Armor | 44| 40| -| 5| -| 5| -|| 15| 1| - |KN,PA |
    Genji Armor | 45| 21| -| -| 20| -| -|| 10| 10|PO |KN,PA,RW,NI |
    Crystal Mail | 50| 24| -| -| -| 10| -|| 20| 1| - |WW,RW,PA |
    Holy Armor | 56| 30| -| -| -| 10| 10|| 5| 20|PO |PA |
    Shield: |Def|Wgt|Eva|Str|Agi|Sta|Int||HP%|MP%|Resist: |Used by: |
    Leather Shield | 3| -| 5| -| -| -| -|| 1| 1|ST |WM,WW,RM,RW,RO,NI,KN,PA |
    Buckler | 5| -| 5| -| -| 2| -|| 2| 2|PO |WM,WW,BM,BW,RM,RW,RO,NI,KN,PA|
    Iron Shield | 6| -| 6| -| -| 2| -|| 3| 1|PE |WM,WW,RM,RW,KN,PA |
    Zephyr Cape | 6| -| 20| -| 2| -| -|| 1| 5|WI,MU |All |
    Gaia Shield | 8| -| 10| -| -| 2| -|| 5| 1|EA,BL |All |
    Mythril Shield | 9| -| 8| -| -| 2| -|| 3| 1|PO |WM,WW,RM,RW,KN,PA |
    Elven Cloak | 10| -| 15| -| 5| -| -|| 3| 3|SL |BM,BW,WM,WW,RM,RW,MO,MA |
    Flame Shield | 12| -| 10| -| -| 2| -|| 4| 1|IC,PO |KN,PA,WW,RW |
    Ice Shield | 12| -| 8| -| -| 2| -|| 1| 4|FI,SL |KN,PA,WW,RW |
    Diamond Buckler| 16| -| 8| -| -| 5| -|| 3| 3|TH,PE |WM,WW,BM,BW,RM,RW,RO,NI,KN,PA|
    Genji Shield | 20| -| 8| -| 5| -| -|| 5| 5|ST |KN,PA,RW,NI |
    Crystal Shield | 23| -| 15| -| -| 5| -|| 8| 1|PO |WW,RW,PA |
    Aegis Shield | 24| -| 12| -| -| 3| 3|| 4| 4|PE |WW,BM,PA |
    Holy Shield | 26| -| 20| -| -| 5| 5|| 5| 10|BL |PA |
    Helm: |Def|Wgt|Eva|Str|Agi|Sta|Int||HP%|MP%|Resist: |Used by: |
    Ribbon | -| -| 10| 1| 1| 1| 1|| 5| 5|AllStatus|All |
    Leather Cap | 2| 2| -| -| -| -| -|| 1| 1| - |All |
    Iron Helm | 4| 5| -| -| -| 1| -|| 2| 1| - |WM,WW,RM,RW,KN,PA,NI |
    Twist Headband | 5| 1| 15| 1| 1| -| -|| 2| 2| - |MO,MA,RO,NI |
    Feathered Cap | 6| 1| 10| -| -| -| 3|| 1| 3|MU |BM,BW,WM,WW,RM,RW |
    Mantra Band | 7| 1| 15| 2| -| -| -|| 3| 1|BL |All |
    Grand Helm | 8| 8| -| -| -| 4| -|| 5| 1| - |WM,WW,KN,PA,RW |
    Wizard's Hat | 9| 1| -| -| -| -| 4|| 1| 10|ST |BM,BW,WM,WW,RM,RW |
    Black Cowl | 10| 1| 20| -| 3| -| -|| 4| 3|PO |MO,MA,RO,NI |
    Mythril Helm | 10| 5| -| -| -| 3| -|| 3| 1| - |WM,WW,RM,RW,KN,PA,NI |
    Diamond Mask | 11| 2| -| -| -| -| 5|| 5| 2|TH |All |
    Circlet | 14| 1| -| -| -| -| 5|| 1| 15|MU |BW,WW,RW |
    Genji Helm | 15| 6| -| -| 5| -| -|| 5| 5|BL |KN,PA,RW,NI |
    Crystal Helm | 16| 8| -| -| -| 5| -|| 8| 1| - |WW,RW,PA |
    Holy Helm | 20| 10| -| -| -| 5| 5|| 5| 10|ST |PA |
    Gloves: |Def|Wgt|Eva|Str|Agi|Sta|Int||HP%|MP%|Resist: |Used by: |
    Magus Ring | -| -| -| -| -| -| 25|| 1|100| - |WW,BW,RW |
    Leather Gloves | 1| 1| -| -| -| -| -|| 1| 1| - |All |
    Iron Gloves | 3| 4| -| 1| -| -| -|| 2| 1| - |WM,WW,RM,RW,KN,PA,NI |
    Bracer | 5| 6| -| 2| -| -| -|| 3| 3| - |All |
    Mythril Gloves | 6| 3| -| -| -| 2| -|| 3| 1| - |WM,WW,RM,RW,KN,PA,NI |
    Protect Ring | 6| -| 6| 2| 2| 2| 2|| 5| 1|SL,ST,TI |All |
    Gauntlets | 7| 5| -| 4| -| -| -|| 7| 1| - |KN,PA,WW,RW |
    Diamond Bracer | 8| 9| -| 3| -| -| -|| 5| 5|TH |All |
    Thief's Gloves | 8| 1| 15| -| 5| -| -|| 5| 1| - |RO,NI |
    Angel's Ring | 8| -| 4| 2| 2| 2| 2|| 1| 6|DE |All |
    Giant's Gloves | 9| 25| -| 6| -| -| -|| 15| 1| - |RW,MA,NI,PA |
    Crystal Ring | 10| -| 5| -| -| 5| -|| 8| 1| - |All |
    Genji Gloves | 12| 5| -| -| 5| -| -|| 5| 5|PE |KN,PA,RW,NI |
    Holy Gloves | 14| 7| -| -| -| 5| 5|| 5| 10|MU |PA |
    Magic Properties:
    White Robe.......Casts Cure.
    Black Robe.......Casts Thunder.
    Crimson Jacket...Casts Fire.
    Magus Ring.......Doubles user's MP when equipped.
    Angel's Ring.....Adds health regeneration when equipped.

    o>==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>==<===>==<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<== | {06} Magic |
    KN = Knight PA = Paladin
    RO = Rogue NI = Ninja
    MO = Monk MA = Master
    RM = Red Mage RW = Red Wizard
    WM = White Mage WW = White Wizard
    BM = Black Mage BW = Black Wizard

    White Magic:

    Lv 1: |MP:|Description: |Used by: |
    Cure | 5|Restores a little HP to one ally. |WM,WW,RM,RW,KN,PA |
    Dia | 7|Deals damage to all undead/evil foes. |WM,WW,PA |
    Protect | 6|Raises one ally's defense by 10. |WM,WW,RM,RW,KN,PA |
    Blink | 10|Raises caster's evasion by 80. |WM,WW,MO,MA,RW |
    Lv 2: | | | |
    Poisona | 10|Cures poison for one ally. |WM,WW,RM,RW,KN,PA,MA |
    Heal | 12|Restores a little HP to entire party. |WM,WW,RM,RW,PA |
    Shock | 24|Reduce thunder damage by 50%, and resist stun. |WM,WW,RM,RW,PA |
    Chakra | 30|Mystic chi restores caster's HP. |MO,MA |
    Lv 3: | | | |
    Cura | 20|Restores moderate HP to one ally. |WM,WW,RM,RW,KN,PA |
    Mute | 15|Inflicts mute on all enemies. |WM,WW,RM,RW,PA |
    Blaze | 25|Reduce fire damage by 50%, and resist poison. |WM,WW,RM,RW,PA |
    Meditate | 75|Raises caster's attack and accuracy by 10. |MO,MA,WW |
    Lv 4: | | | |
    Clarity | 15|Cures blind and mute for one ally. |WM,WW,RM,RW,KN,PA,MA |
    Aero | 25|Deals wind damage to all enemies. |WM,WW,RM,RW,PA |
    Frost | 26|Reduce ice damage by 50%, and resist sleep. |WM,WW,RM,RW,PA |
    Healara | 30|Restores moderate HP to entire party. |WM,WW,RW,PA |
    Lv 5: | | | |
    Curaga | 70|Restores a lot of HP to one ally. |WM,WW,RM,RW |
    Raise | 25|Revives ally from KO status to 1 HP. |WM,WW,RW,PA |
    Diara | 28|Deals damage to all undead/evil foes. |WM,WW,PA |
    Protera | 50|Raises party's defense by 10. |WM,WW,RW,PA |
    Lv 6: | | | |
    Stona | 10|Cures stone for one ally. |WM,WW,RW |
    Teleport | 5|Teleports party to world map. |WM,WW,RW,PA |
    Healaga | 85|Restores a lot of HP to entire party. |WM,WW,RW |
    Vanish | 40|Raises party's evasion by 40. |WM,WW,RW |
    Lv 7: | | | |
    Pray | 99|Restores massive amount of HP to one ally. |WW |
    Diaga | 42|Deals damage to all undead/evil foes. |WM,WW |
    Divinify | 30|Raises one ally's resistance to death status. |WW |
    Inspire | 80|Raises party's attack by 10. |WM,WW,RW |
    Lv 8: | | | |
    Holy | 54|Deals non-elemental damage to all enemies. |WW |
    Dispel | 99|Remove all resistances on one enemy. |WW |
    Shell | 75|Reduces elemental damage by 50% for one ally. |WW |
    Arise | 99|Revives ally from KO status to MAX HP. |WW |

    Black Magic:

    Lv 1: |MP:|Description: |Used by: |
    Fire | 5|Deals fire damage to one enemy. |BM,BW,RM,RW,NI |
    Sleep | 15|Inflicts sleep on all enemies. |BM,BW,RM,RW,RO,NI |
    Focus | 10|Reduces all enemies' evasion by 50. |BM,BW,RM,RW,RO,NI,MO,MA|
    Thunder | 6|Deals thunder damage to one enemy. |BM,BW,RM,RW,NI |
    Lv 2: | | | |
    Blizzard | 7|Deals ice damage to one enemy. |BM,BW,RM,RW,NI |
    Fear | 15|Deals non-elemental damage to all enemies. |BM,BW,RM,RW,RO,NI |
    Aurablast| 15|Attacks one enemy with a magical punch. |MO,MA |
    Slow | 20|Reduces all enemies' # of hits. |BM,BW,RM,RW,RO,NI |
    Lv 3: | | | |
    Fira | 22|Deals fire damage to all enemies. |BM,BW,RM,RW,NI |
    Bind | 50|Inflicts stun on one enemy. |MO,MA |
    Thundara | 24|Deals thunder damage to all enemies. |BM,BW,RM,RW,NI |
    Warp | 2|Teleports party to previous floor. |BM,BW,RM,RW,NI |
    Lv 4: | | | |
    Blind | 25|Reduces all enemies' hit chance by 40. |BM,BW,RM,RW,RO,NI |
    Temper | 70|Raises one ally's attack by 10. |BM,BW,RM,RW,NI |
    Confuse | 30|Inflicts confusion on all enemies. |BM,BW,RM,RW,NI |
    Blizzara | 26|Deals ice damage to all enemies. |BM,BW,RM,RW,NI |
    Lv 5: | | | |
    Firaga | 51|Deals fire damage to all enemies. |BM,BW,RW |
    Bio | 40|Deals poison damage to all enemies. |BM,BW,RM,RW,NI |
    Stun | 35|Inflicts stun on one enemy. |BM,BW,RW,NI |
    Haste | 85|Doubles # of hits for one ally. |BM,BW,RM,RW,NI |
    Lv 6: | | | |
    Thundaga | 55|Deals thunder damage to all enemies. |BM,BW,RW |
    Death | 40|Instantly KO one enemy. |BM,BW,RW,NI |
    Quake | 75|Deals earth damage to all enemies. |BM,BW |
    Comet | 50|Deals non-elemental damage to one enemy. |BM,BW,RW |
    Lv 7: | | | |
    Blizzaga | 59|Deals ice damage to all enemies. |BM,BW,RW |
    Break | 45|Inflicts stone on one enemy. |BM,BW,RW |
    Barrier | 35|Raises one ally's resist to ailments except KO.|BW |
    Scythe | 72|Summons death to damage one enemy. |BW |
    Lv 8: | | | |
    Flare | 99|Deals non-elemental damage to all enemies. |BW |
    Stop | 85|Inflicts stun on all enemies. |BW |
    X-Zone | 99|Sends all enemies to another dimension. |BW |
    Ultima |199|Deals massive amounts of damage to all enemies.|BW |

    o>==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>==<===>==<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<== | {07} Enemy Loot |
    I hope you like hunting for loot. You'll have plenty of opportunities to find
    some amazing new items. Good luck!

    ### Enemy: Drop Rate: Treasure:
    001. Goblin 8% Knife
    002. Goblin Guard 4% Leather Shield
    003. Wolf 10% Potion
    004. Crazy Horse 3% Nunchaku
    005. Skeleton 3% Scimitar
    006. Black Widow 8% Spider's Silk
    007. Gigas Worm 3% Axe
    008. Warg Wolf 5% Leather Gloves
    009. Werewolf 10% Antidote
    010. Zombie 4% Leather Armor
    011. Ghoul 4% Chain Mail
    012. Garland 25% Broadsword
    013. Cobra 10% Antidote
    014. Ogre 10% Potion
    015. Ogre Chief 7% Herbs
    016. Lizard 4% Elven Mist
    017. Pirate 5% Leather Cap
    018. Sahagin 12% Potion
    019. Sahagin Chief 4% Blaze Rune
    020. Buccaneer 4% Iron Helm
    021. Shark 2% Coral Sword
    022. Bigeyes 15% Herbs
    023. Tarantula 10% Spider's Silk
    024. Ghast 2% Iron Armor
    025. Scorpion 11% Antidote
    026. Shadow 3% Power Staff
    027. Green Slime 10% Iron Draft
    028. Crawler 2% Luck Plus
    029. Gray Ooze 10% Power Drink
    030. Gargoyle 3% Grand Helm
    031. Bloodbones 3% Falchion
    032. Piscodemon 4% Magical Robe
    033. Astos 25% Ruby Vest
    034. Mummy 15% Potion
    035. Wraith 2% Kotetsu
    036. Anaconda 2% Agility Plus
    037. Hyenadon 5% Mythril Gloves
    038. Lesser Tiger 10% Hi-Potion
    039. Minotaur 2% Mythril Axe
    040. Hill Gigas 10% Goliath Tonic
    041. Earth Elemental 3% Phoenix Down
    042. Troll 4% Mythril Shield
    043. Wight 2% Mythril Mail
    044. Ochre Jelly 10% Speed Shake
    045. Cockatrice 8% Cockatrice Claw
    046. Vampire 9% Vampire Fang
    047. Ogre Mage 7% Remedy
    048. Sphinx 2% Claymore
    049. Lich 100% Phoenix Down
    050. Ankheg 2% Slasher

    ### Enemy: Drop Chance: Treasure:
    051. Piranha 10% Hi-Potion
    052. Red Piranha 2% X-Potion
    053. Alligator 5% Mantra Band
    054. Crocodile 2% Vorpal Edge
    055. Ochu 6% Ether
    056. Neochu 4% Genji Gloves
    057. Hydra 3% Viking's Axe
    058. Horned Devil 5% Mythril Helm
    059. Pyrolisk 6% Ether
    060. Fire Elemental 3% Phoenix Down
    061. Fire Hydra 2% Flametongue
    062. Lava Worm 2% Soma Drop
    063. Hellhound 8% Blaze Rune
    064. Fire Lizard 6% Elven Mist
    065. Fire Gigas 10% Bomb Arm
    066. Red Dragon 2% Elixir
    067. Marilith 100% Phoenix Down
    068. White Dragon 2% Elixir
    069. Winter Wolf 8% Frost Tear
    070. Mindflayer 2% Intellect Plus
    071. Ice Gigas 10% Arctic Wind
    072. Specter 2% Ashura
    073. Remorazz 2% Strength Plus
    074. Dark Wizard 4% Wizard's Hat
    075. Evil Eye 2% Dark Matter
    076. Wild Baretta 10% Iron Draft
    077. Sabertooth 2% X-Potion
    078. Wyvern 7% Ether
    079. Wyrm 2% Diamond Vest
    080. Manticore 2% Dark Claymore
    081. Baretta 5% Gauntlets
    082. Basilisk 8% Elven Mist
    083. Allosaurus 3% Razer
    084. Weretiger 18% Antidote
    085. Sand Worm 3% Soma Drop
    086. Minotaur Zombie 2% Rune Axe
    087. King Mummy 10% Hi-Potion
    088. Medusa 10% Zeus's Wrath
    089. Rakshasa 15% Soft
    090. Clay Golem 2% Stamina Plus
    091. Nightmare 4% Iron Nunchaku
    092. Dragon Zombie 3% Phoenix Down
    093. Sahagin Prince 10% Frost Tear
    094. White Shark 2% Thor's Hammer
    095. Deepeyes 3% Turbo Ether
    096. Sea Snake 3% Agility Plus
    097. Sea Scorpion 3% Luck Plus
    098. Sea Troll 5% Ice Shield
    099. Ghost 2% Zwill Blade
    100. Water Elemental 3% Phoenix Down

    ### Enemy: Drop Chance: Treasure:
    101. Water Naga 7% Thief's Gloves
    102. Kraken 100% Phoenix Down
    103. Tyrannosaur 8% Strength Plus
    104. Black Knight 3% Enhancer
    105. Chimera 10% Ether
    106. Guardian 3% X-Potion
    107. Blue Dragon 3% Elixir
    108. Green Dragon 3% Elixir
    109. Stone Golem 4% Stamina Plus
    110. Air Elemental 3% Phoenix Down
    111. Spirit Naga 7% Thief's Vest
    112. Death Knight 2% Deathbringer
    113. Earth Medusa 4% Elven Cloak
    114. Black Flan 10% Faerie Tonic
    115. Soldier 2% Orichalcum
    116. Vampire Lord 15% Vampire Fang
    117. Dark Fighter 4% Power Vest
    118. War Mech 1% Genji Armor
    119. Tiamat 100% Phoenix Down
    120. Rhyos 8% Turbo Ether
    121. Death Eye 2% Assassin Dagger
    122. Purple Worm 6% Rainbow Shard
    123. Iron Golem 3% Genji Helm
    124. Lich 5% Koga Blade
    125. Marilith 4% Circlet
    126. Kraken 3% Empyrean Rod
    127. Tiamat 2% Dragon's Mail
    128. Chaos 0% Magus Ring
    129. Echidna 25% Agility Plus
    130. Cerberus 25% Stamina Plus
    131. Ahriman 25% Intellect Plus
    132. Twin Dragon 25% Strength Plus
    133. Scarmiglione 100% Clothes
    134. Scarmiglione 20% Mage Masher
    135. Cagnazzo 20% Glacial Rod
    136. Barbariccia 15% Angel's Ring
    137. Rubicante 15% Protect Ring
    138. Gilgamesh 10% Excalibur
    139. Omega 32% Murasame
    140. Shinryu 2% Ragnarok
    141. Atomos 3% Robe of Lords
    142. Typhon 3% Angel's Robe
    143. Orthros 2% Healing Axe
    144. Phantom Train 5% Megalixir
    145. Death Gaze 1% Ultima Rod
    146. Devil Wizard 6% Crystal Ring
    147. Abyss Worm 10% Soma Drop
    148. Elm Gigas 5% Zephyr Cape
    149. Flare Gigas 5% Flame Shield
    150. Unicorn 1% Rod of Faith

    ### Enemy: Drop Chance: Treasure:
    151. Hungry Ogre 6% Green Apple
    152. Mad Ogre 3% Ogrekiller
    153. Chimera Mage 1% Holy Gloves
    154. Yellow Dragon 4% Elixir
    155. Holy Dragon 1% Holy Staff
    156. Mythril Golem 6% Stamina Plus
    157. Killer Shark 2% Lightbringer
    158. Death Manticore 5% Ninja Garb
    159. Blood Tiger 5% Black Cowl
    160. Dark Eye 4% Dry Ether
    161. Bloody Eye 10% Dark Matter
    162. Flood Gigas 8% Soma Drop
    163. Poison Eagle 6% Agility Plus
    164. Black Goblin 2% Main Gauche
    165. Knocker 1% Gladius
    166. Red Scorpion 20% Antidote
    167. Gloom Widow 18% Spider's Silk
    168. Holy Knight 1% Holy Armor
    169. Squidraken 6% Intellect Plus
    170. Pharaoh 4% X-Potion
    171. Bonesnatch 3% Braveheart
    172. Silver Dragon 5% Elixir
    173. Black Dragon 2% Megalixir
    174. Blue Troll 4% Crystal Shield
    175. Earth Troll 2% Aegis Shield
    176. Poison Naga 30% Remedy
    177. Earth Plant 7% Turbo Ether
    178. Yamatano Orochi 1% Excalibur II
    179. Dark Elemental 4% Phoenix Down
    180. Devil Hound 15% Blaze Rune
    181. Sekhret 2% Air Splitter
    182. Catoblepas 10% Elven Mist
    183. Hundlegs 8% Luck Plus
    184. Undergrounder 6% Strength Plus
    185. Death Elemental 5% Phoenix Down
    186. Wild Nakk 10% Hi-Potion
    187. Dark Worf 15% Frost Tear
    188. Dark Gargoyle 1% Holy Helm
    189. Sahagin Queen 15% Shock Coil
    190. Reaper 6% Iga Blade
    191. Python 12% Antidote
    192. Skuldier 5% Ether
    193. Red Flan 4% Red Apple
    194. Prototype 2% Genji Shield
    195. Revenant 10% Phoenix Down

    o>==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>==<===>==<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<== | {08} Bonus Dungeon Treasures |
    These are the equipment items you can find in all four bonus dungeons. It
    is random, though, so you many not always find them. You have to get lucky
    and hope the treasure chest spawns.

    All chests respawn (randomly) when you replay the dungeon. So if you missed
    something during a run, you can always do another run through. The only
    exception to this is the boss chest on the final floors - which can be opened
    only once. Good luck!

    Also, consumable items found in the bonus dungeons were unchanged. Use any
    existing guide to see what consumables are on each floor.

    Earthgift Shrine:
    Kenpogi...........Floor 2
    Black Cowl........Floor 3
    Elven Cloak.......Floor 4
    Megalixir.........Floor 5 (one-time chest)

    Hellfire Chasm:
    Bard's Tunic......Floor 2
    Mage's Surplice...Floor 3
    Thief's Gloves....Floor 6
    Twist Headband....Floor 7
    Circlet...........Floor 8
    Warhammer.........Floor 9
    Ribbon............Floor 10 (one-time chest)

    Lifespring Grotto:
    Feathered Cap.....Floor 1
    Buckler...........Floor 2
    Mantra Band.......Floor 3
    Crystal Ring......Floor 6
    Deathbringer......Floor 9
    Orichalcum........Floor 11
    Power Vest........Floor 12
    Iron Helm.........Floor 14
    Ashura............Floor 15
    Kenpogi...........Floor 16
    Circlet...........Floor 17
    Aegis Shield......Floor 17
    Air Splitter......Floor 17
    Feathered Cap.....Floor 18
    Crystal Ring......Floor 18
    Mage's Surplice...Floor 19
    Holy Shield.......Floor 20 (one-time chest)

    Whisperwind Cove:
    Mantra Band.......Floor 1
    Leather Gloves....Floor 1
    Chain Mail........Floor 3
    Ogrekiller........Floor 4
    Dark Claymore.....Floor 5
    Bard's Tunic......Floor 6
    Wizard's Hat......Floor 7
    Black Cowl........Floor 8
    Enhancer..........Floor 9
    Orichalcum........Floor 11
    Iron Shield.......Floor 13
    Mage Masher.......Floor 13
    Holy Helm.........Floor 14
    Ogrekiller........Floor 15
    Thief's Vest......Floor 16
    Elven Cloak.......Floor 17
    Assassin Dagger...Floor 17
    Bard's Tunic......Floor 18
    Gladius...........Floor 19
    Magus Ring........Floor 21
    Holy Gloves.......Floor 23
    Wizard's Hat......Floor 23
    Braveheart........Floor 24
    Leather Armor.....Floor 25
    Holy Staff........Floor 26
    Aegis Shield......Floor 27
    Kotetsu...........Floor 28
    Ninja Garb........Floor 29
    Kenpogi...........Floor 31
    Ogrekiller........Floor 31
    Crimson Jacket....Floor 32
    Angel's Ring......Floor 33
    Healing Axe.......Floor 34
    Zephyr Cape.......Floor 35
    Ninja Garb........Floor 35
    Viking's Axe......Floor 36
    Circlet...........Floor 36
    Gladius...........Floor 37
    Zwill Blade.......Floor 38
    Ashura............Floor 39
    Koga Blade........Floor 39
    Ultima Weapon.....Floor 40 (one-time chest)

    Whisperwind Cove Shops:
    There are many shops you can visit in this dungeon. It may seem complicating
    at first, but it's actually not. :)

    Out of the 40 floors, there are only 2 floors that have shops. One is the
    Village of Mages, and the other is an abandoned town.

    In the Village of Mages, there are tons of npcs running around. Between them
    all, you can buy every spell in the game. There are also 3 special mages that
    will sell you weapons, armor, and items. You can spot them easily because
    they run faster than every other mage in the village.

    Next, is the abandoned town. This one is interesting. There is only one
    shop in this town, but its inventory changes, depending on what floor it is.

    Here is what it sells:

    Floors 1-9:
    Giant's Tonic
    Faerie Tonic
    Power Drink
    Iron Draft
    Speed Shake

    Floors 11-19:
    Emergency Exit

    Floors 21-29:
    Turbo Ether
    Emergency Exit

    Floors 31-39:
    Dry Ether
    Emergency Exit

    o>==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>==<===>==<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<== | {09} Rare Enemies |
    Most enemies are common. There are a few rare ones, however, that would be
    impossible to find if you didn't know where they are located.

    These enemies used to be in multiple areas, but now they are restricted to
    a single map each.

    They also have very good treasure if you have the patience to grind for it.

    Enemy: Rarity: Location:
    Neochu 1/64 Waterfall Cave.
    War Mech 1/64 Floor with Tiamat, in Flying Fortress.
    Iron Golem 1/64 Floor with Tiamat, in Chaos Temple.
    Unicorn 1/64 Final floor in Chaos Temple.
    Yamatano Orochi 1/64 Whisperwind Cove. Any Flying Fortress map
    on floors 31-39 only.

    o>==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>==<===>==<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<== | {10} Version History and Known/Fixed Bugs |
    April 3, 2014 - 1.0
    -Release date of this hack.

    April 4, 2014 - 1.1
    -Fixed a big that prevented Gold Needles from working properly. There was a
    small error in the data table that got overlooked.

    April 12, 2014 - 1.2
    -Changed a few stats on weapons and armor to be more appropriate. Nothing
    was decreased. Don't worry!
    -Increased the drop rates for the bosses in Chaos Temple.
    -I originally left Excalibur II unlisted, even in-game, but now you'll be
    able to locate it easier. (it's still hard to get!)
    -Black Dragons now drop Megalixirs, instead of Elixirs.
    -Increased the healing potency of Cura, Curaga, Healara, Healaga, Pray.
    -Slightly increased MP costs of Barrier and Divinify.

    Known Bugs:
    -Because weapons and armor use an extra line of text in their descriptions,
    the menu cursor in the Item > Equipment sub-screen disappears; only during
    battle, though. It still works as intended, so this is only cosmetic.
    The cursor comes back when you exit the menu, making it very temporary.

    o>==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>==<===>==<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<==>=<== | {11} Credits and Copyright |
    All trademarks and copyrights contained in this folder are owned by their
    respective trademark and copyright holders.

    Square Enix - Making 'Final Fantasy: Dawn of Souls' for GBA.

    Ludmeister - He is the creator of the Mod of Balance in which this hack
    was based. Also, his documentation was very helpful to this
    project. Check out his site!

    Ice Penguin - If you have any questions, send me an email! You can contact
    me at [email protected]. Please include Final Fantasy
    Dawn of Souls in the subject line, or I'll just delete it.

    No information available.
    Release Date
    Apr 3, 2014
    10 years ago
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    Play Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls: FF1: Dawn of Souls - Hard Mode Game

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