Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius is a platform game for the Game Boy Advance based on the animated film. Players control Jimmy, a young inventor, as he navigates six levels, including his home and various extraterrestrial environments. Utilizing his robotic dog Goddard, players can transform Goddard into different modes of transport to overcome obstacles and complete challenges in this exciting adventure.
Initiate contact with another galaxy and launch a makeshift satellite into space before breakfast. That's nothing for Jimmy Neutron, the teenage super genius whose amazing inventions often get him into heaps of trouble. This time, it's up to you to get Jimmy out of his toughest tangle. You'll go through six levels, including Jimmy's house, the Asteroids, Yolkus Underworld, Yolkus City, and Retroland. Jet around on Goddard, Jimmy's proudest invention that can turn into the Goddard Pogo, Goddard Scooter, and the Goddard Sled. Can Jimmy's get himself through this grand adventure?