LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy is an action-adventure game for Game Boy Advance, developed by Amaze Entertainment and published by TT Games. It adapts the story and characters from the original Star Wars trilogy, featuring gameplay focused on exploration and puzzle-solving. This version has unique graphical styles, reduced character roster, and altered level designs compared to other platforms.
LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy takes the fun and endless customization of LEGO and combines it with the epic story, characters and action from the original Star Wars movies that revolutionized pop culture forever (Episode IV A New Hope, Episode V The Empire Strikes Back and Episode VI Return of the Jedi). With a unique tongue-in-cheek take on the Original Trilogy, LEGO Star Wars II follows the Rebel Alliances crusade to dismantle the Galactic Empire and rebuild a galaxy in pieces.
The GBA release, developed by Amaze Entertainment for TT Games, has a different graphic style and changes some levels by rearranging, merging or removing them. There are only 36 playable characters, some unique to this version, with some changes to when some are unlocked throughout the story. There are also no power bricks in the game with the related extras available for purchase separately.