Maya the Bee: Sweet Gold is a platform video game for the Game Boy Advance, inspired by the German children's book and the accompanying Japanese anime series. Players navigate through 60 levels across seven unique environments, solving puzzles and overcoming challenges. The storyline centers on Maya and Willi as they attempt to rescue their teacher Kassandra from hornets who demand honey as ransom.
Game Boy Advance game based on the German children's book (which in turn spawned a Japanese anime series), Maya the Bee (Die Biene Maja). The game offers 60 different levels in seven graphically different environments, as well as oodles of bonus levels. An overworld map, filled with puzzles and challenges, connects all the levels. Players choose from either Maja (Maya) or Willi. The story involves teacher Kassandra (Cassandra), who is kidnapped by nasty hornets. The evil insects want to trade Kassandra for five pots of honey. Maja and Willi set out to free Kassandra and return order to the hive.