Mega Man Zero 3 is the third installment in the Mega Man Zero series for the Game Boy Advance. The game introduces a customization system that allows players to equip Zero with various chips, enhancing his attributes and abilities. Among his new skills is the recoil rod weapon, enabling him to jump twice his normal height as he battles the formidable Omega in Arcadia.
It's the third chapter in the Mega Man Zero action adventure series for the Game Boy Advance. Featuring a new customization system, you can now equip Zero, with a combination of chips that will affect both his attributes and abilities, allowing you to adapt him to different challenges. Among his other new skills, Zero will now have weapon called the recoil rod. Now be jumps at double his normal height. These new skills will allow our hero to march into Arcadia to defeat the evil Omega single-handedly... Or will they?