One Piece: Going Baseball: Kaizoku Yakyuu is a Japanese exclusive sports game for the Game Boy Advance, released in 2004. Players choose from various teams to compete in a baseball tournament, featuring a story mode that unlocks additional teams and minigames. The game is set after the Skypiea Arc, showcasing characters in their Skypiea outfits and utilizing the Skypiea arena.
One Piece: Going Baseball is a Japanese only game released for the GameBoy Advance in 2004. The controls are simple and the basic point of the game is to choose a team and try to win in a tournament against all the other teams. There is a story mode, which is needed to unlock the final team, and a minigame mode.
The game appears to take place after the Skypiea Arc, as the crew is seen in the beginning wearing their outfits from Skypiea, and the Skypiea arena is the farthest point that the game goes up to.