Planet of the Apes is a 2001 action-adventure game for Game Boy Advance. Players control Ulysses, an astronaut stranded on a future Earth ruled by intelligent apes. As the last hope for humanity, Ulysses must navigate a hostile world, confront various ape factions, and thwart the genocidal ambitions of the brutal General Ursus while aiding the remnants of humanity.
Fight for humanity as Ulysses, a deep-space astronaut shipwrecked on Earth nearly 2000 years into the future. To his horror, a deadly breed of intelligent apes has evolved from mankind and now dominate the Earth. Hunted to near-extinction, the rag-tag human survivors huddle in fear of the Ape Empire. Against impossible odds, Ulysses must infiltrate the simian society and halt the genocidal plan of Ape General Ursus.