Pokémon Altair and Sirius is a fan-made hack of Pokémon Emerald for the Game Boy Advance. Developed by an anonymous creator, it introduces a new narrative, diverse Pokémon, and unique gym challenges. Set in a Hoenn devastated by meteorite impacts, players must thwart the plans of Team Black Hole and White Hole. The game includes an English translation patch, enhancing accessibility for non-Japanese speakers.
This is a hack of Pokemon: Emerald Version for the GBA. The author of the hack is unknown and its in Japanese.
This hack features entirely new Pokémon, new story, new gym challenges, and some other unique stuffs. Your goal is to stop Team Black Hole/White Hole from performing their evil plan.
=Story:= Three meteorites had hit Hoenn region. It devastated the region and caused an unforgettable damage on Pokémon ecosystem. 3 years after the disaster when cizitens adapt themself to new situation, the protagonist moves to Hoenn and that's the point the game starts.
*v1.0 (06/17/2011) - Original hack in Japanese.
*beta 1.2 (02/20/2015) - English translation patch by Dr. Akimbo included.
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Pokémon Emerald Version: Pokémon Altair and Sirius (+ English translation patch) Game Wiki
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