Pokémon Dark Rising Origins: Worlds Collide is a Game Boy Advance game that serves as a sequel to Order Destroyed, expanding on the lore between the second and third installments of the series. Set in the region of Ferrum, players encounter a blend of Pokémon and Digimon due to a DNA fusion. As a member of the elite Dark Rising team, players strive to defeat seven Great Demon Lords unleashed by the Pokémon Darugis. The game features 193 obtainable Pokémon and 193 obtainable Digimon, along with new mechanics such as Mega Evolutions and the Fairy type.
a follow-up to Order Destroyed that provides more in-depth mythology regarding the occasions between the second and third games. The fact that you may no longer capture solely Pokemon is one facet of this game that has drawn mixed reactions. Additionally, Digimon make an appearance, and you can catch them and fight them just like you would Pokemon! So, give this game a try if you like Pokemon and Digimon!
Pokemon Dark Rising Origins: Worlds Collide lets you explore the world of Pokemon and Digimon hybrid species. Region of Ferrum is set to experience immense upheaval. For some reason, the digital monsters, Digimon, and Pokemon have combined their DNA.
To look into the events, you’ll be a part of the elite team Dark Rising. You’re going to defeat the seven Great Demon Lords that the Satan Pokemon Darugis set free using your Pokemon and Digimon.
- 193 Pokemon obtainable
- 193 Digimon obtainable
- Fairy type included
- Mega evolutions
- Physical/Special split
- Gen 6 moves and items
- HG/SS soundtrack