Pokémon Dark Violet is a modification for Gameboy Advance that serves as a comprehensive reimagining of the inaugural Pokémon Red & Green games. This rendition deviates significantly from earlier remakes such as FireRed & LeafGreen, with an unprecedented and thoroughly contemporary take on the Kanto narrative. Crafted by Chaos Rush, this unique venture is not merely an imitation of Generation III or IV/V hacks but a revamped presentation of Generation I.
This hack is a remake of the very first Pokémon games, Pokémon Red & Green. This is how I would remake them, and it’s totally different from FireRed & LeafGreen. This will be a Kanto adventure you’ve never experienced, and it will be totally modernized, and fun. This is my reboot of Pokémon, think of it as a new Generation I. This isn’t a Gen III hack, this isn’t a Gen IV/V wannabe hack, this is Chaos Rush’s Generation I game.