Pokémon Emerald Version: Pokemon Emerald - 386 Gameboy Advance

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Pokemon Emerald 386's main goal is to give players the opportunity to opportunity to meet and obtain at least one of every Pokemon available in generation 3 as naturally as possible, thereby completing the Pokedex without the need to connect to or interact with other games or events. This project DOES NOT try to increase/decrease difficulty; add modern mechanics; change lore; "fix" balancing "issues" with the original Emerald release; or include post-gen 3 pokemon, evolutions, items, etc.

On top of creating an environment in which to complete the Pokedex, the game also tries to compliment the expanded availability of Pokemon by giving players repeated access to ALL TMs, Move Tutors, and Evolution items.

Highlighted Features:
* Original Special-Event Tickets & Map properly restored
* Gen 1 and 2 Legendary Pokemon given appropriate events
* ALL Legendary Pokemon have re-spawn safety (also including the Sudowoodo)
* Trade-Evolutions achieved through a special NPC "trade-helper" (trade-evolve YOUR Pokemon and keep it!)
* Fossil Regenerator expanded to include all fossil Pokemon
* ALL TM's become available for re-purchase at certain points
* One-Time Move Tutors can be reset for continual access
* Missing Decorations added

Other Bonus Stuff:
* The missing Zigzagoon from the cable-car scene restored to intended chances of appearing!
* Deoxys learned move-set expanded to include all version exclusive moves from FR/LG & R/S.
* Some NPC Pokemon teams expanded to trigger Pokedex "seen" flags, allowing players to hunt newly-added wild Pokemon.
* NPC's added to hint at new content like where in-game trades are located and what is on offer, or where they caught a certain Pokemon.
* Ability to reset the RTC for players who have emulators which do not properly keep track of time when the hardware is powered off.
* Some in-game rewards for things like fetch-quests, Hoenn Pokedex completion, story progression, etc. have been updated - Talk to everyone!

This is NOT intended to be a modern-version of Emerald! It is intended to be the Original Emerald... only completable as a solo player. Players looking for the old-school experience should be happy with what is on offer, and can find a more detailed account of changes in the readme. However, plenty of care has been taken so that all added wild pokemon are somehow hinted at or triggered in the Pokedex so players should not need the readme for added locations, and NO vanilla encounters have been removed.

Pokemon Emerald: 386 Version (v1.0) - Razormime

Table of Contents
0) Introduction - PLEASE READ
1) Soft-Spoiler Guide (General information)
2) Hard-Spoiler Guide (Detailed information) - Try to avoid reading this
3) Things you *maybe* WISH I would change, but won't
4) Version Changes - Returning players, please read!
5) Special Thank You's
6) How to Contact Me

Pokemon Emerald 386's main goal is to give players the opportunity to opportunity to meet and
obtain at least one of every Pokemon available in generation 3, thereby completing the Pokedex
without the need to connect to or interact with other games or events. This project DOES NOT try to
increase/decrease difficulty; add modern mechanics; change lore; "fix" balancing "issues" with the
original Emerald release; or include post-gen 3 pokemon, evolutions, items, etc. - There are plenty
of really amazing hacks that do all of this (and more), and I encourage you to try those as well!
Please, before writing a review, consider what this hack intends to do, and if it met its goal, and
if this was outlined well-enough before investing your time into it.

With that being said, understand that Pokemon Emerald was "missing" a LOT of Pokemon! So, to
keep things as organic as possible, I have tried to include various methods to obtaining them, and
to "spread out" their appearances or events so that at no point in the playthrough does it feel as
if they all were just dumped into the game at once. I have re-worked certain events in the game so
that they might offer different rewards than before, or I have modified in-game trades, or I might
have developed a few new rooms in an existing cave or something to ensure that the methods feel as
organic as possible. In addition, to compliment the massive amount of pokemon added to the world, I
also have unlocked the National Pokedex from the start of the game - it would be such a chore to
need to beat the Elite 4 before you were allowed to hunt all of the new monsters. Another related
goal was to give players some way of having extra access to TMs, tutor-moves, and evolution items,
so that players have the freedom to develop more than one pokemon dream team; but I also wanted to
avoid breaking the game by doing things like making TMs infinitely usable (for example), instead I
tried to find a good balance, and I encourage you to review the rest of this readme for the various
solutions I've implemented. Also, keep in mind, that by having a larger pool of Pokemon to catch
as you progress, the game *might* be easier than you remember (or vanilla Emerald guides reflect)
in some places; but this is something which is unnavoidable.

The last thing I've tried to do is to make it so that the game helps you find all the monsters
without the need to keep this readme file! So, for example, some NPC battles have been slightly
altered to include the "new" Pokemon I've introduced into the wild, creating an "event" where the
pokedex registers the monster as seen, and allowing players to find that Pokemon in the wild. The
NPCs which have been affected may have already been, or have now been re-positioned in such a way
that players cannot progress past them without actually battling them. This was done so that the
opportunity to trigger the pokedex is not accidentally skipped. The instances of these changed NPC
battles are as few as possible, and do not include key battles like Gym Leaders or Rival battles -
I did NOT want to change so much in the game. Changes to the teams can be one of two ways: Pokemon
were ADDED to the trainer's team, or new Pokemon were EXCHANGED for old Pokemon on their teams. I
suppose that in the few events where these trainers were once optional and had smaller teams, and
have now become unavoidable and have larger teams, this *might* make the game a smidge harder than
players might remember (or vanilla Emerald guides reflect), so maybe it balances out? Other help
comes along in the form of NPC dialogue, or a traveler's journal left open on a desk - If you check
with everyone and explore, you will NOT need a guide to find the "new" Pokemon. If there are any
Pokemon which are not encountered in NPC battles or hinted at in some way, it is because they are
vanilla Emerald Pokemon which have not been changed, meaning that THOSE pokemon can still be found
by using any printed or online guide for Emerald (I have not removed any wild Pokemon from a route).
NPCs which sell from 'upgradable' item lists will also say something along the lines of "come back
and check later for even more stuff" - they may not say when or what triggers them to get the new
stuff, but they will alert you to the idea that they are worth coming back to (regular Town Marts
will not hint at the upgrade for the TM they will carry after the Gym Battle, however).

One last thing: I have worked very hard on this hack, and had even had to start completely
over at one point due to a computer failure (and I was almost finished, too). I have made sure to
personally check and verify each addition or change that I made by actually playing the game and
triggering the scenarios (not just looking at the data, but actually doing the trade; starting
the static encounter and running, defeating, and catching the monster; collecting the item, etc).
I have also played through the game from a fresh save file all the way to beating the Elite 4 and
interacting with any/all of the post-game changes to make sure they work. I have also had a few
volunteers help me beta test by playing through on different hardware and different emulators. I
really wanted v1.0 to be as solid as possible. However, I may have overlooked some interesting
missing content that I may be able to add, like an event-only battle move or something that is not
obtainable because the Super Duper Pokemon Summer Event 2006 (fake example) is long gone. Basically,
the game *might* need future updates, but I want you to know that I consider this release to be
pretty solid, and you should feel confident that if you start a save file on v1.0, you will have a
good time (and that, if needed, you should be able to update and keep your save file, no-problem).

1) Soft-Spoiler Guide
A) Fixed Vanilla Bugs, Glitches and Misc.
+ Pokemon Emerald 386 patch can be verified.
+ The Real-Time-Clock (RTC) can be reset. (useful for emulators which don't keep track of time)
+ The missing Zigzagoon from the cable-car is restored and has its intended chances of appearing.
+ Bag-Menu sounds updated.
+ Snow effect fixed and updated.
+ Fixed dismounting from surf into grass animation.
+ Real World references changed to no longer mention the real world.

B) Text + People Changes
+ Main Move Tutor can teach pre-evolution moves.
+ One-Time Move Tutors will now reset after defeating the Elite 4 (will need to be reset each time).
+ Some instances of NPC/sign/event dialogue has been rewritten to accomodate insertion of content.
+ Some NEW NPCs added to compliment changes or give hints.
+ Some EXISTING NPCs altered: Positions, Battles, Gifts, Trades, Events, Hints, etc.

C) Shops and Items
+ All TMs which were once finite (limited) will become available to purchase (unlimited) somewhere.
+ A few Game-Corner-only TMs have a bonus hidden-item location somewhere.
+ Luxury Ball unlocked as a store item at some point.
+ Bonus evolutionairy items like Moon Stones given extra locations to be found or as gifts.
+ Bonus hold-items given as gifts or can be found.
+ Rare Berries (Salac, Ganlon and Liechi) added.
+ Five unobtainable Decorations are now available.

D) Areas
+ A few areas have had small changes.
+ A few areas have been expanded (extra rooms in a cave, for example)
+ One new "house" added.

E) Pokemon
+ The missing Zigzagoon from the cable-car is restored and has its intended chances of appearing.
+ Deoxys learned move-set updated to include all version exclusive moves from R/S and FR/LG.
+ Legendary Pokemon Event Tickets are all restored! (see: Mew, Deoxys, Lati@s, Ho-oh + Lugia)
+ Legendary Pokemon Beast-Trio, Bird-Trio, Mewtwo, Celebii and Jirachi all have new "events".
+ ALL Fossil-Pokemon are found as Fossils someplace. Fossil Regenerator updated accordingly.
+ Trade-Based evolution Pokemon have the opportunity to trade-evolve and stay with you.
+ Ruby & Sapphire exclusive Pokemon added to their appropriate routes.
+ Missing wild Pokemon from Kanto and Johto spread out across Hoenn in logical places.
+ Each Starter Pokemon from all 3 regions available.
+ In-Game trades have all been re-done for important Pokemon
+ Emerald 1%-rate Pokemon have had an increase in appearance rates to make-up for the fact that
single player playthroughs will not be able to take advantage of record-mixing "outbreaks."

I REALLY think that reading this might ruin much of the fun, but if you must...


A) Fixed Vanilla Bugs, Glitches and Misc.
+ Pokemon Emerald 386 patch can be verified.
+ Cacnea replaces Lotad in Prof Birch Speech to show a succesful patch.
+ PC in Devon Corp (2F) shows current "E386" patch-update version.
+ The Real-Time-Clock (RTC) can be reset.
+Press and hold LEFT + SELECT + B at the title screen.
+ The missing Zigzagoon from the cable-car is restored and has its intended chances of appearing.
+ Bag-Menu updated to use more comfortable Fire Red / Leaf Green sounds.
+ Snow effect fixed to continue to snow, and updated to produce hail when battling.
+ Fixed dismounting from surf into grass animation: Now lands IN grass, not ON grass.
+ Real World references changed to no longer mention the real world.
+ Delibird's Pokedex entry: was Mt.Everest, is now Mt.Avalanche (from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon).
+ Regice's Pokedex Entry: was Antarctic Ice, is now Glacial Ice.
+ Poliwrath's Pokedex Entry: was Pacific Ocean, is now Largest Oceans.

B) Text + People Changes
+ Main Move Tutor can teach pre-evolution moves.
+ Pokemon must be at least 5 levels above when the pre-evolution would have learned the move.
+ One-Time Move Tutors will now reset after defeating the Elite 4 (will need to be reset each time).
+ Double-Edge in Sootopolis
+ Dynamic Punch in Mossdeep
+ Explosion in Pacifidlog Town
+ Fury Cutter in Verdanturf Town
+ Metronome in Fallarbor Town
+ Mimic in Lavaridge Town
+ Rollout in Mauville City
+ Sleep Talk in Fortree City
+ Substitute in Lilycove
+ Swagger in Slateport City
+ Some instances of NPC/sign/event dialogue has been rewritten to accomodate insertion of content.
+ Flavor text for defeating or running from Sudowoodo or Bird-Trio battles added.
+ Various minor changes to NPC dialogue change tense or plurality, depending on situation.
+ Some NEW NPCs added to compliment changes or give hints.
+ NPC in Devon Corp helps you trade Pokemon with yourself.
+ NPC in Battle Frontier helps player locate trade locations and what is offered and requested.
+ NPC in Battle Frontier adds flavor text to new "Bed & Breakfast" house.
+ NPC in Battle Frontier gives the alternate tent decoration with a hint on how to get it.
+ NPC in Mossdeep hints at where to fish for Qwilfish.
+ NPC in Sootopolis hints at how to find Shellder (and Clamperl).
+ NPC in Lavaridge Pokecenter for new trade. - See section "E) POKEMON."
+ NPCs (x2) on route 106 add flavor text to the Lapras event.
+ NPC in Slateport alerts player to unlockable TM mart.
+ Some EXISTING NPCs altered: Positions, Battles, Gifts, Trades, Events, Hints, etc.
+ Prof.Birch Events:
+ Previous National Pokedex expansion event changed to Roaming Beast-Trio event intro.
+ Previous Hoenn-dex completion event "Johto starter gift" changed to "Kanto fighting gift."
+ More details for both events in section "E) Pokemon"
+ All are in original spots, but with new details. - See section "E) POKEMON"
+ NPC in Fortree expanded dialogue hints at where to find Yanma.
+ Shop-keepers in Slateport: expanded dialogue, including hints, for expanded merch list.
+ Doll Seller: See section "C) Shops and Items."
+ TM Seller: See section "C) Shops and Items."
+ Hiker Clark (Route 116)
+ Bug Catcher Lyle (Petalburg Woods)
+ Youngster Timmy (Route 110)
+ Camper Travis (Route 111)
+ Breeder Lydia (Route 117)
+ Camper Shane (Route 114)
+ Hiker Trent (Route 112)
+ Black Belt Takao (Dewford Gym)
+ Magma Grunt #12 (Magma Hideout 4F)
+ Magma Grunt #13 (Magma Hideout 4F)
+ Fisherman Wade (Route 118)
+ Ranger Catherine (Route 119)
+ Bird Keeper Perry (Route 118)
+ Swimmer Spencer (Route 124)
+ Hex Maniac Tasha (Mt.Pyre 4F)
+ Hiker Eric (Jagged Pass)
+ Psychic William (Mt.Pyre 3F)
+ Sr & Jr Kim and Iris (Route 125)
+ Breeder Myles (Route 121)
+ Breeder Pat (Route 121)
+ Cooltrainer Quincy (Victory Road 1F)
+ Ninjaboy Jaiden (Route 115)
+ Guitarist Kirk (Mauville Gym)
+ Kindler Jeff (Lavaridge Gym)
+ Dragon Tamer Aaron (Route 134)
+ Youngster Deandre (Route 118)
+ Birdkeeper Colin (Route 120)
+ Youngster Davis (Route 123)
+ Cooltrainer Jazmyn (Route 123)
+ Cooltrainer Hope (Victory Road 1F)
+ Guitarist Joseph (Route 110)
+ Kindler Bernie (Route 114)
+ Swimmer Declan (Route 124)
+ Swimmer Grace (Route 124)
+ Ninjaboy Takashi (Route 119)
+ Pokefan Vanessa (Route 121)

C) Shops and Items
+ All TMs which were once finite (limited) will become available to purchase (unlimited) somewhere:

(NOTE: I had experimented with re-usable TMs but found that this had both broke the base difficulty
(however difficult you may or may not find it as-is) by allowing players to swap moves on-the-fly,
without sacrifice, in an area like the Elite 4 challenge; as well as making certain locations and
shops redundant (like the Game Corner, Lilycove Dept store, TM seller, etc.). I feel that, now, with
these upgrading shops ONLY carrying the TMs which were originally finite (and not including Game
Corner prizes), but still costing money, and must be unlocked after progress says "you should have
been able to find the 'pickup' location of the TM first", players can still have a somewhat vanilla
experience on the initial adventure, but also be able to change moves and use TMs without worry.
ALSO, TM21 'Frustration' and TM27 'Return' can already by infinitely obtained in Pacifidlog Town, So
they have not been given another infinite position.)

+ Most rare TMs (finite in orig. Emerald) can now be unlocked at TM seller in Slateport Market:
(NOTE 1: The shop must first be unlocked the original way: Get TM43 from NPC on Route 111.)
(NOTE 2: The shop will initially only carry the original Emerald TMs:)
+ TM10 (Hidden Power)
+ TM43 (Secret Power)
--- The 1st expansion will unlock after obtaining the Heat Badge (4th badge) to include:
+ TM01 (Focus Punch)
+ TM05 (Roar)
+ TM06 (Toxic)
+ TM07 (Hail)
+ TM09 (Bullet Seed)
+ TM28 (Dig)
+ TM36 (Sludge Bomb)
+ TM37 (Sandstorm)
+ TM41 (Torment)
+ TM45 (Attract)
+ TM46 (Theif)
+ TM47 (Steel Wing)
--- The 2nd expansion will unlock after obtaining the Rain Badge (8th badge) to include:
+ TM02 (Dragon Claw)
+ TM11 (Sunny Day)
+ TM12 (Taunt)
+ TM18 (Rain Dance)
+ TM19 (Giga Drain)
+ TM22 (Solarbeam)
+ TM23 (Iron Tail)
+ TM26 (Earthquake)
+ TM30 (Shadow Ball)
+ TM31 (Brick Break)
+ TM44 (Rest)
+ TM48 (Skill Swap)

+ TMs from Gym Leaders unlock in that town's mart after earning the corresponding badge:
+ TM39 (Rock Tomb) : Rustboro Mart
+ TM08 (Bulk Up) : Slateport Mart (because Dewford has no mart)
+ TM34 (Shock Wave) : Mauville Mart
+ TM50 (Overheat) : Lavaridge Mart
+ TM42 (Facade) : Petalburg Mart
+ TM40 (Arial Ace) : Fortree Mart
+ TM04 (Calm Mind) : Mossdeep Mart
+ TM03 (Water Pulse) : Sootopolis Mart

+ The final TM is found post-game on the SS Tidal, so is unlocked by defeating the Elite 4:
+ TM49 (Snatch) : Ever Grande Pokemon League Mart

+ A few Game-Corner-only TMs have a bonus hidden-item location somewhere.
+ To help with the extra pokemon and time grinding Mauville Game Corner for coins, I have given
a few of the TMs from the Game Corner an extra finite 'pickup' somewhere in the world:
+ TM13 (Ice Beam) : as a Hidden Item in Articuno's room
+ TM32 (Double Team) : as a Hidden Item in Lapras' room
+ TM35 (Flamethrower): as a Hidden Item in Moltres' area
+ TM29 (Psychic) : as a Hidden Item in Mewtwo's room
- TM24 (Thunderbolt) : already has a bonus event so was not given an extra.

+ LUXURY BALL unlocked after defeating the Elite 4: can be bought in the Lilycove Dept. Store

+ BONUS evolutionairy items given extra locations to be found or as gifts.
+ Devon Corp 2F: Comes with Gift Porygon
+ Meteor Falls: 2 EXTRA Hidden, 1 EXTRA visible pickup
+ Mossdeep Space Center B1F: Given as a gift which refreshes with each Elite 4 victory.
+ Jagged Pass Expansion: 1 visible Item Ball
+ Mossdeep Space Center B1F: Given as a gift which refreshes with each Elite 4 victory.
+ Jagged Pass Expansion: 1 hidden item which refreshes with each Elite 4 victory.
+ Fiery Path Expansion: 1 visible item ball
+ Route 124: Red Shard will respawn after each Elite 4 victory.
+ Route 124: Yellow Shard will respawn after each Elite 4 victory.
+ Route 124: Blue Shard will respawn after each Elite 4 victory.
+ Route 124: Green Shard will respawn after each Elite 4 victory.
+ New Mauville: 1 visible item ball pickup
+ Mossdeep Space Center B1F: Hidden in trash can, will respawn after each Elite 4 victory.
+ Granite Cave Expansion B3F: 1 hidden item pickup
+ Granite Cave Expansion B3F: 1 hidden item pickup
+ Shoal Cave: visible item
+ Altering Cave Expansion B1F: 1 visible item pickup
+ Route 128: Hidden Pickups here will respawn after each Elite 4 victory. (NPC gives hint).

+ Bonus hold-items given as gifts or can be found.
+ Mt.Pyre Summit: Hidden item pickup
+ Granite Cave expansion B1F: Hidden Item pickup will respawn after each Elite 4 victory.
+ Altering Cave Expansion: visible item pickup
+ Shoal Cave Ice Room: visible item pickup
+ New Mauville: hidden item near Zapdos
+ Altering Cave B2F: hidden item pickup

+ Rare Berries (Salac, Ganlon and Liechi) added.
+ SALAC BERRY: In a planter-box next to Battle Frontier B&B (respawns after each E4 win)
+ GANLON BERRY: In a planter-box next to Battle Frontier B&B (respawns after each E4 win)

+ Five previously unobtainable Decorations are now available:
+ R/S exclusive Seedot DOLL: Buy at Slateport Market Doll Seller
+ Regi-trio DOLLS: Slateport Market Doll Seller unlocks after CATCHING ALL 3 REGI Pokemon.
+ The "other" tent which you do not pick as your prize in the Trick House becomes a gift from
an NPC found in the Battle Frontier AFTER defeating the Tick House and claiming the first tent.

D) Areas
+ A few areas have had small changes:
+ Some areas which did not have wild Pokemon now do (either fishing or walking/surfing).
+ To either provide more grass tiles for hunting Pokemon or force a few battles with NPCs.
+ A few areas have been expanded (extra rooms in a cave, for example):
+ Granite Cave
+ Fiery Path
+ Jagged Pass
+ Altering Cave
+ One new "house" added:
+ Battle Frontier Bed & Breakfast

E) Pokemon
+ Deoxys learned move-set updated to include all version exclusive moves from R/S and FR/LG.
+ Teleport (level 13)
+ Taunt (level 17)
+ Superpower (level 28)
+ Snatch (level 31)
+ Cosmic Power (level 36)
+ Zap Cannon (level 42)
+ Hyper Beam (level 51)

+ Legendary Pokemon Event Tickets are all restored!
(NOTE: As normal, tickets cannot be used until after beating the Elite 4).

+ Trade-Based evolution Pokemon have the opportunity to trade-evolve and stay with you.
(NOTE: New Scientist at Devon Corp helps you trade Pokemon with yourself.)

+ In-Game trades have all been re-done for important Pokemon
(NOTE: Checking Olga's notebook in the Battle Frontier can remind you where these all are)

(NOTE 1: Ruby & Sapphire exclusive Pokemon have been added to their appropriate routes.)
(NOTE 2: Emerald 1%-rate Pokemon have had an increase in appearance rates to make-up for
single-player playthroughs not being able to take advantage of record-mixing "outbreaks.")
+ TREECKO: Route 119
+ MUDKIP: Route 114 (Walk / Surf)
+ TORCHIC: Mt.Chimney, Jagged Pass
+ SURSKIT: R.102 (5% Surf, 1% Land); Routes: 114, 117, and 120 (all 5% Surf)
+ SEEDOT: R.102 (11%), R.117 (12%), R.120 (still only 1%)
+ NUZLEAF: R.114 (10%)
+ MEDITITE: Mt.Pyre Outside (10%), Victory Road B1F (5%)
+ MEDICHAM: Victory Road B1F (10%), Victory Road B2F (15%)
+ ROSAELIA: R.117 (20%)
+ ZANGOOSE: R.114 (5%)
+ LUNATONE: Meteor Falls (Split 50/50 with SOLROCK)
+ HUNTAIL: Self-Trade Clamperl holding a DEEP SEA TOOTH
+ GOREBYSS: Self-Trade Clamperl holding a DEEP SEA SCALE
+ JIRACHI: Given as a gift from the Gamecube in the Battle Frontier Bed & Breakfast.
+ DEOXYS: AURORA TICKET is given to you in the Mossdeep Space Center basement
+ LATI@S: EON TICKET is given to you when arriving at the Battle Frontier

+ BULBASAUR: NPC Trade - Fortree City (for Duskull)
+ SQUIRTLE: NPC Trade - Pacifidlog Town (for Dratini)
+ CHARMANDER: NPC Trade - Fallarbor Town (for Larvitar)
+ ALAKAZAM: Self-Trade Kadabra
+ MACHAMP: Self-Trade Machoke
+ GOLEM: Self-Trade Graveler
+ GENGAR: Self-Trade Haunter
+ CATERPIE: Petalburg Woods
+ WEEDLE: Petalburg Woods
+ PIDGEY: Route 104
+ RATTATA: New Mauville
+ RATICATE: New Mauville
+ SPEAROW: Route 104
+ EKANS: Route 111, Route 112, Route 113, Mirage Tower
+ NIDORAN (M): Routes 101, 102, 103
+ NIDORAN (F): Routes 101, 102, 103
+ CLEFIARY: Meteor Falls
+ PARAS: R.114
+ VENONAT: Petalburg Woods, R.104
+ DIGLETT: Desert Underpass
+ DUGTRIO: Desert Underpass
+ MEOWTH: R.116
+ MANKEY: Granite Cave
+ GROWLITHE: Mt.Chimney, Jagged Pass
+ POLIWAG: Safari Zone NW + SW + SE (Good Rod), Altering Cave (Good & Super Rod)
+ POLIWHIRL: Altering Cave B1F (Super Rod), Altering Cave B2F + B3F (Surf / Super Rod)
+ PONYTA: Mt.Chimney, Jagged Pass
+ SLOWPOKE: R.120 (Surf), Altering Cave 1F (Walk), B1F (Walk / Surf / Good & Super Rod), B2F + B3F (Good & Super Rod)
+ SLOWBRO: Altering Cave B1F - B3F: (Walk / Surf / Super Rod)
+ GOLDUCK: Altering Cave B3F (Walk / Surf)
+ FARFETCH'D: R.118, R.123
+ SEEL: Abandoned Ship (Walk / Surf)
+ SHELLDER: Outer Sealed Chamber (All fishing rods), R.124 (Dive), R.126 (Dive)
+ ONIX: Magma Hideout, Altering Cave B2F + B3F
+ DROWZEE: R.121, R.123
+ HYPNO: Altering Cave B2F + B3F
+ HORSEA: Granite Cave (Surf + Super Rod)
+ KRABBY: Outer Sealed Chamber (Walking / All fishing rods), Abandoned Ship (Walking / Good & Super Rod), Granite Cave (Walking / Good & Super Rod)
+ KINGLER: Outer Sealed Chamber (Walking / Super Rod), Abandoned Ship (Walk / Super Rod)
+ CUBONE: Desert R.111
+ HITMONLEE: Prof. Birch event (complete Hoenn Dex), evolve Tyrogue
+ HITMONCHAN: Prof. Birch event (complete Hoenn Dex), evolve Tyrogue
+ LICKITUNG: Altering Cave B2F + B3F
+ CHANSEY: Altering Cave B2F + B3F, Safari Zone South
+ TANGELA: R.119, R.120
+ KANGASKHAN: Altering Cave B2F + B3F
+ MR.MIME: Safari Zone SW
+ SCYTHER: Safari Zone South
+ JYNX: Shoal Ice Cave
+ ELECTABUZZ: New Mauville
+ MAGMAR: Fiery Path, Magma Hideout
+ TAUROS: Safari Zone North
+ LAPRAS: Static Encounter in Granite Cave
+ EEVEE: NPC Trade - For Meowth (Rustboro)
+ PORYGON: Gift - Rustboro City (Devon Corp 2F)
+ AERODACTYL: OLD AMBER found in Jagged Pass
+ KABUTO: DOME FOSSIL found in Granite Cave
+ OMANYTE: HELIX FOSSIL found in Shoal Cave
+ SNORLAX: NPC Trade - For Hariyama (Battle Frontier)
+ DRATINI: Granite Cave (Surf / Good & Super Rod)
+ ARTICUNO: Static encounter in the Shoal Cave Ice Room
+ ZAPDOS: Static Encounter in New Mauville
+ MOLTRES: Static Encounter in the Jagged Pass expansion
+ MEWTWO: Static encounter in the Altering Cave
+ MEW: OLD SEA MAP can be found in the Abandoned Ship hidden rooms

+ CHIKORITA: Gift for saving Weather Institute (collect in Fortree Pokecenter)
+ TOTODILE: Gift for deliver the SCANNER to Capt.Stern (in Slateport)
+ CYNDAQUIL: Gift for delivering METEORITE to Prof.Cozmo (in Fallarbor)
+ POLITOAD: Trade Poliwhirl holding a KINGS ROCK
+ SLOWKING: Trade Slowpoke holding a KINGS ROCK
+ STEELIX: Trade Onix holding a METAL COAT
+ SCIZOR: Trade Scyther holding a METAL COAT
+ KINGDRA: Trade Seadra holding a DRAGONS SCALE
+ PORYGON 2: Trade Porygon holding an UPGRADE
+ SENTRET: R.118, R.123
+ FURRET: R.118, R.123
+ HOPPIP: R.110
+ HITMONTOP: Prof. Birch event (complete Hoenn Dex), evolve Tyrogue
+ YANMA: R.119, R.120
+ MURKROW: R.122, Mt.Pyre (outside areas)
+ HOUNDOUR: Jagged Pass, Mt.Chimney
+ UNOWN: Inner Sealed Chamber (all forms have equal rates: A-Z & !?)
+ DUNSARCE: Outer Sealed Chamber
+ QWILFISH: Routes 129-134 (Super Rod)
+ SNEASEL: Shoal Ice Cave
+ SWINUB: Shoal Ice Cave
+ DELIBIRD: Shoal Ice Cave
+ TEDDIURSA: Altering Cave 1F
+ URSARING: Altering Cave 2F-3F
+ MANTINE: Routes 124-128 (Surf)
+ LARVITAR: Route 111
+ ENTEI: Starts roaming land after Elite 4 (Pokedex-upgrade event will help track)
+ RAIKOU: Starts roaming land after Elite 4 (Pokedex-upgrade event will help track)
+ SUICUNE: Starts roaming land and water after Elite 4 (Pokedex-upgrade event will help track)
+ HO-OH: MYSTIC TICKET can be found in the Artisan Cave at the Battle Frontier
+ LUGIA: MYSTIC TICKET can be found in the Artisan Cave at the Battle Frontier
+ CELEBI: Starts roaming land and water after Elite 4

+ If DEFEATED, but NOT CAUGHT, the following Pokemon respawn by defeating the Elite 4:
+ LATI@S (The Southern Island encounter, NOT the roamer!)

+ If DEFEATED, but NOT CAUGHT, the following Pokemon respawn after one day:
+ LATI@S (The Roamer, NOT the Southern Island encounter!)

+ CELEBI respawns immediately after being defeated.

3) Things you *might* WISH that I would change, but won't:
+ Easier FEEBAS: Feebas is still a pain in the butt. This was this Pokemon's gimmick, and I did not
want to take that away from it. When you finally catch the jerk, you can totally feel like you
did actually catch this jerk, for real.

+ HM Items: a popular change to rom-hacks is making field-use items to replace HMs (like a SURFBOARD
instead of SURF, for example). Again, my hack is a pure nostalgia trip (which you can complete),
and does not aim to modernize stuff like this. I think they are great additions to "bigger" more
robust rom-hacks, but not to my humble diet-vanilla hacks.

+ Running in-doors, ultra-fast text, speed enhancments, etc: As before, just trying to make a super
humble vanilla nostalgia trip. I also want to run in Pacifidlog, but I need to draw a line.

+ Night-time colors: 2 reasons I did not go for this: the first being the usual "nostalgic vanilla,"
and the second is that I see a lot of hacks with this change need constant updates for whatever
reason (it must be quite tedious to do correctly, so bravo to those who get it right), and I did
not want my hack to need constant updates after release (which is why I tested so much before

+ DECAPITALIZING: Again, somehow, innevitably something gets overlooked and I would need to go back
in and decap something, update, repeat. But it's a VANILLA NOSTALGIA DREAM and not worth it.

+ Anything Else and Everything Else: Consider that everyone gets something different out of playing
through a Pokemon game, and no single hack can please everyone. This hack is for "semi-purist"
players who wanna complete dexes but don't want to invest in old hardware and methods or feel
like they cheated by using cheat-codes. This is for people who don't want a MODERN version
of Emerald, it's for those who want the OLD version of Emerald... only completable.

+ Jirachi event: You *might* have seen another Emerald hack do it similar to the way I've done it
here. If it is the rom-hack I'm thinking of, it is because it was a sugestion I made in that
developers Discord group. At that time I felt overwhelmed with doing an Emerald hack, myself,
and was anticipating their hack, and they were asking for suggestions. I actually do not know
if they did use it, and I obviosuly cannot be upset if they went with the idea. I want to say
that they had a fantastic hack in progress, and I wish them all the luck with it. I simply
wanted to do my own hack, and I also really liked my idea.

4) Patch version update notes
1.0 - Nothing yet, as we are on v1.0

5) Special Thank You
+ First, I need to thank everyone involved in the Pokeemerald Disassembly project. Obviously, none
of what I've planned to do here would be possible. It is a lot of hard work to create and maintain
the project, and I am very very grateful to them. By extension, I want to thank everyone involved
with pret and its extensions like the discord group. They, alongside branched discord groups, like
RH Hideout, have been invaluable resources to turn to when I had encountered road-blocks. Everyone
who has contributed to the wiki via forum posts in the form of walktrhoughs or tutorials for nifty
features also deserve massive thanks. Team Aqua's Hideout video tutorials for features was also an
amazing resource I couldn't have lived without, so "Thank You" to them, too! Specific users from
these resources for specific changes are as follows:

+ Mgriffin: Project setup and Porymap troubleshooting
+ Jaizu: Porymap troubleshooting, tutorial on sound changing
+ Zatsu: Some NPC movement scripting
+ Lunos: Help with, and creating tutorials for Script Specials, Overworld and UNOWN expansions.
+ Sbird: Project setup
+ ShinyDragonHunter: UNOWN encounter troubleshooting
+ TheXaman: Their tutorial on in-game self trading
+ DD: Roaming Beast Expansion (name changed as they did not want to be credited)
+ Louroboros: Tutorial on enabling RTC-changing
+ Alex D, daniilS and Samu for tutorials on changing + updating snow effects
+ ghoulslash: Surf dismount fix tutorial
+ devolov: pre-evolution move tutor tutorial
+ Goppier: Mt.Chimney cable car documentary

+ I want to thank my beta testers, JAYVEE1473 and Tellz, who volunteered to test and continually
update their beta versions as we went along, refining elements, or squashing bugs.

+ I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to write informative, but spoiler-free reviews
for my previous rom-hacks on romhacking.net so far:

+ Crystal 251:
Incantator (also for Yellow 151)

+ Yellow 151
Vomer (also for Blue 151)

+ Blue 151

+ The Pokemon documentation sites Bulbagarden/Bulbapedia and Serebii.net
+ https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Main_Page
+ https://www.serebii.net

+ ProjectPokemon.org, and especially VictorV111 for his save-file which I used for testing.

+ I also want to thank you, whoever you are, for downloading and taking a chance with my hack (and
especially if you took the time to read this novel of a readme file). I worked really hard to teach
myself new skills so that the project would feel as natural and original as possible. I wanted to
avoid cringy dialogue and I also wanted to avoid adulterating the 'soul' of the original game.

+ "Thank you all" - Razormime

6) How to Contact Me
+ If, for whatever reason, this document does not answer your questions, has left something out, or
you simply want to discuss the hack, feel free to message me on my romhacking.net page or join my
Discord server. Be aware that my Discord group has multiple channels which target my Twitch stream
community as well, and as such, you will be expected to accept and follow the same rules (but can
opt-out of the roles and even mute those channels), and it may take a day or two to reply on RHDN:

+ romhacking.net user page: https://www.romhacking.net/community/6608/
+ Discord (be sure to select your roles and interests): https://discord.gg/Q3K6VcCpCd

Database match: Pokemon - Emerald Version (USA, Europe)
Database: No-Intro: Game Boy Advance (v. 20210227-023848)
File/ROM SHA-1: F3AE088181BF583E55DAF962A92BB46F4F1D07B7
File/ROM CRC32: 1F1C08FB
Time to Beat
Main Story 30h 10m
Main + Extras 60h 0m
Speedrun Avg 3h 45m
Release Date
Aug 1, 2024
2 months ago
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