Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Red Rescue Team EX Gameboy Advance

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This hack makes various changes to Pokémon Mystery Dungeon - Red Rescue Team, intended to provide an improved QOL for the player and freshen the experience as a whole.

• Overhauled recruitment values. Secondary and fully evolved Pokémon are now easier to recruit. Legendaries and Kecleon have the same values as before.

• Automatic and manual party control modes thanks to Cipnit

• Colorized TMs and scarves

• New starter/partner abilities

• Removed forced quicksave before most dungeons

• Overhauled Wigglytuff's shop. All non-legendary Friend Areas can be purchased at the beginning of the game for a fee of 1000p!

• Increased PP of certain moves

• Several other changes. A full list of these changes can be found in the README, along with all the new recruitment values.

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Red Rescue Team EX
A Hack By holocron
Version 1.2

This is a hack for Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Red Rescue Team that makes several changes, QOL and otherwise,
primarily with the intent of making Pokemon easier to recruit, as well as providing a slightly fresh experience
through some changes to the starters. A full changelog can be found at the bottom of this document

This patch comes in the form of an .ips file.
For Windows users, simply open the patch and select a US/AUS Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Red Rescue Team ROM, the patch will then apply itself.
For Linux users you can use programs such as JIPS or lazy_ips to apply the patch.
For Mac users you can use Multipatch

if you find any bugs, please report them to me here!

----SPECIAL THANKS---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Special thanks to Cipnit for allowing me to use his Complete Control Hack. https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=418131


----STARTER POKEMON CHANGES------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bulbasaur family given Thick Fat ability
Squirtle family given Shell Armor ability
Charmander family given Intimidate ability
Meowth family given Dark type, Serene Grace ability. Meowth's Pickup replaced with Limber.
Machop family given Vital Spirit ability. Machop evolves into Machoke at level 15, and Machoke evoles into Machamp at level 34, no Link Cable required
Eevee's Run Away replaced with Cute Charm
Psyduck family given Psychic type.
Chikorita family given Chlorophyll ability
Totodile family given Rough Skin abilty
Cyndaquil family fiven Flash Fire ability
Treecko family given Shed Skin ability
Mudkip family given Swift Swim ability
Torchic family given Own Tempo ability

----OTHER POKEMON CHANGES--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ratata family's Run Away replaced with Pickup
Doduo family's Run Away replaced with Compoundeyes
Ponyta family's Run Away replaced with Flame Body
Sentret family's Run Away replaced with Cute Charm
Dunsparce's Run Away replaced with Pure Power
Aipom's Run Away removed
Snubull family's Run Away replaced with Oblivious
Poochyena's Run Away replaced with Intimidate
this includes: Lapras, Magikarp, Aipom, Porygon2, Gyarados, Minun

----ITEM CHANGES-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Escape Orbs are now white in color
Reviver Seeds have a slighltly different coloration
Grimy Food now uses a purple Apple sprite

TMs are now color coded:
Fighting and Ground TMs are reddish-brown
Normal and Dragon TMs are rainbow colored
Steel and Dark TMs are black
Ghost and Poison TMs are purple
Electric TMs are yellow
Psychic Tms are pink
Grass TMs are green
Water, Ice, and Flying TMs retain the standard blue
Fire TMs are brownish-red
HMs are now an orange-ish color.

Held Items are now color coded
Warp, Sneak, Mobile, Trap, and Pass Scarves as well as Plain Ribbons are now white.
Zinc, Detect, Twist, and Bounce Bands, as well as Def, and Dodge scarves are now blue
Persim and Pecha scarves are now purple
Diet Ribbon ans well as Patsy and Racket bands are now black
Heal and Joy Ribbons, No-Stick Cap, Weather Band and Friend Bow retain their pink color
Curve, Stamina, Power, and Pierce Bands as well as Tight and Munch Belts are reddish-brown
Special Bands are now Green
Gold Ribnons are now Gold

----MOVE CHANGES-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PP increased for the following moves:
Sludge Bomb (12)
Psychic (12)
Ice Beam (12)
Thunderbolt (12)
Transform (22)
Shadow Ball (14)
Shadow Punch (17)
Faint Attack (22)
Ice Punch (17)
Fire Punch (17)
Quick Attack (17)
Surf (12)
Hydro Pump (10)
Thunder (10)
Fire Blast (10)
Dragon Claw (17)
Twister (17)
Magical Leaf (15)
Brick Break (15)
Low Kick (12)
Slash (15)
Blaze Kick (15)
Fly (15)
Waterfall (14)
Muddy Water (12)

----FRIEND AREA CHANGES----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
All friend areas that can be purchased from Wigglytuff's Shop are available as soon as his shop opens. This excludes certain legendary friend areas
All friend areas cost a flat fee of 1000 Poke. This excludes the Aged Chambers, which are 500.

----DUNGEON CHANGES--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
added an unused tileset to Purity Forest
Pokemon in Tiny Woods can now be recruited
Removed forced quicksave before most dungeons

----VERSION 1.1 CHANGES----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Added Cipnit's Complete Control hack. Control each member of your team individually by hitting L + Start!

----CHANGED RECRUITMENT VALUES---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bulbasaur 15% Charmander 15% Squirtle 15%
Ivysaur 4% Charmeleon 4% Wartortle 4%
Venusaur -2% Charizard -2% Blastoise -2%

Caterpie 17.5% Weedle 17.5% Pidgey 15%
Metapod 10% Kakuna 10% Pidgeotto 5%
Butterfree 5% Beedrill 5% Pidgeot -1%

Ratatta 15% Spearow 12.5% Ekans 14%
Raticate 4% Fearow -1% Arbok -2%

Pikachu 17.5% Sandshrew 14% Nidoran F 15%
Raichu -1% Sandslash -2% Nidorina 4%
Nidoqueen -4%

Nidoran M 15% Clefairy 12.5% Vulpix 15%
Nidorino 4% Clefable -2% Ninetails -2%
Nidoking -4%

Jigglypuff 15% Zubat 17.5% Oddish 15%
Wigglytuff -2% Golbat 5% Gloom 4%
Vileplume -2%

Paras 16% Venonat 16% Diglett 14%
Parasect -2% Venomoth -2% Dugtrio -2%

Meowth 15% Psyduck 15% Mankey 17.5%
Persian -2% Golduck -2% Primeape -2%

Growlithe 15% Poliwag 16% Abra 11%
Arcanine -4% Poliwhirl 4% Kadabra 2%
Poliwrath -2% Alakazam -5%

Machop 15% Bellsprout 14% Tentacool 14%
Machoke 4% Weepinbell 4% Tentacruel -2%
Machamp -2% Victreebel -2%

Geodude 14% Ponyta 14% Slowpoke 15%
Graveler 4% Rapidash 0% Slowbro 4%
Golem -3%

Magnemite 14% Farfetch'D 11% Doduo 16%
Magneton 0% Dodrio 0%

Seel 14% Grimer 12% Shellder 14%
Dewgong -2% Muk -3% Cloyster -2%

Gastly 11% Onyx 10% Drowzee 14%
Haunter 2% Steelix -5% Hypno -4%
Gengar -4%

Krabby 15% Voltorb 15% Exeggcute 11%
Kingler -2% Electrode -2% Exeggcutor -2%

Cubone 15% Hitmonlee 5% Lickitung 14%
Marowak -3% Hitmonchan 5%

Koffing 14% Rhyhorn 13% Chansey 7%
Weezing -3% Rhydon -4%

Tangela 14% Kangaskan 8% Horsea 14%
Seadra 4%

Goldeen 15% Staryu 14% Mr. Mime 8%
Seaking 0% Starmie 0%

Scyther 12% Jynx 4% Electabuzz 4%

Magmar 4% Pinsir 10% Tauros 10%

Magikarp 17.5% Lapras 8% Ditto 10%
Gyarados -10%

Eevee 15% Porygon 11% Omanyte 14%
Vaporeon 0% Omastar -3%
Jolteon 0%
Flareon 0%

Kabuto 14% Aerodactyl 8% Snorlax 8%
Kabutops -3%

Articuno 30% Dratini 11% Mewtwo 100%
Zapdos 30% Dragonair 0% Mew 100%
Moltres 30% Dragonite -10%

Chikorita 15% Cyndaquil 15% Totodile 15%
Chikorita 4% Quilava 4% Croconaw 4%
Bayleef -2% Tphlosion -2% Feraligatr -2%

Sentret 16% Hoothoot 16% Ledyba 16%
Ferret 4% Noctowl 0% Ledian 0%

Spinarak 15% Crobat -4% Chinchou 15%
Ariados 4% Lanturn -2%

Pichu 17.5% Togepi 15% Natu 11%
Igglybuff 17.5% Togetic 4% Xatu -5%
Cleffa 17.5%

Mareep 14% Bellossom -2% Marill 5%
Flaffy 4% Azumarill -5%
Ampharos -4%

Sudowoodo 10% Politoed -2% Hoppip 15%
Skiploom 4%
Jumpluff -2%

Aipom 10% Sunkern 15% Yanma 10%
Sunflora 5%

Wooper 15% Espeon 0% Murkrow 12%
Quagsire -5% Umbreon 0%

Slowking -4% Misdreavus 10% Unown 15%

Wobbuffet -5% Girafarig 8% Pineco 14%
Forretress -5%

Dunsparce 10% Gligar 120% Snubull 14%
Granbull -2%

Quilfish 10% Scizor -5% Shuckle 8%

Heracross 10% Sneasel 12% Teddiursa 15%
Ursaring -4%

Slugma 14% Swinub 14% Corsola 10%
Macgarco -3% Piloswine -3%

Remoraid 10% Delibird 8% Mantine 8%
Octilery -5%

Skarmory 8% Houndour 12% Kingdra -5%
Houndoom -5%

Phanpy 14% Porygon 0% Stantler 10%
Donphan 4%

Smeargle 10% Tyrogue 17.5% Smoochum 17.5%
Hitmontop 5% Elekid 17.5%
Magby 17.5%

Milktank 10% Blissey -10% Larvitar 12%
Pupitar 0%
Tyranitar -10%

Ho-Oh 100% Suicune 30% Celebi 100%
Lugia 100% Entei 30%
Raiku 30%

Treecko 15% Torchic 15% Mudkip 15%
Grovyle 4% Combusken 4% Marshtomp 4%
Sceptile -2% Blaziken -2% Swampert -2%

Poochyena 15% Zigzagoon 15% Wurmple 17.5%
Mightyena -2% Linoone 4% Silcoon/Cascoon 10%
Beautifly/Dustox 5%

Lotad 14% Seedot 15% Tailow 16%
Lombre 4% Nuzleaf 4% Swellow 4%
Ludicolo -4% Shiftry -4%

Wingull 15% Ralts 11% Surskit 14%
Pelliper -3% Kirlia 0% Masquerain 4%
Gardevoir -10%

Shroomish 14% Slakoth 10% Nincada 17.5%
Breloom 4% Vigoroth 0% Ninjask 5%
Slakoth -10% Shedinja 5%

Whismur 14% Makuhita 15% Azuril 17.5%
Loudred 4% Hariyama -2%
Exploud -4%

Nosepass 10% Skitty 15% Sableye 8%
Delcatty -2%

Mawile 10% Aron 15% Meditite 15%
Lairon 0% Medicham -3%
Aggron -10%

Electrike 14% Plusle 17.5% Volbeat 17.5%
Manectric -3% Minun 17.5% Illumise 17.5%

Roselia 10% Gulpin 12% Carvanha 14%
Swalot -4% Sharpedo -4%

Wailmer 10% Numel 14% Torkoal 8%
Wailord -10% Camerupt -4%

Spoink 10% Spinda 10% Trapinch 12%
Grumpig -5% Vibrava 2%
Flygon -5%

Cacnea 14% Swablu 14% Zangoose 10%
Cacturne -2% Altaria -40% Seviper 10%

Solrock 8% Barboach 12% Corphish 12%
Lunatone 8% Whishcash 2% Crawdaunt -3%

Baltoy 14% Lileep 15% Anorith 15%
Claydol -4% Cradily -3% Armaldo -3%

Feebas 8% Castform 10% Kecleon -33.9%
Milotic -10%

Shuppet 14% Duskull 14% Tropius 8%
Banette -3 % Dusclops -3%

Chimeco 8% Absol 8% Wynaut 17.5%

Snorunt 14% Spheal 14% Clamperl 15%
Glalie -3% Sealeo 4% Huntail 4%
Walrein -4% Gorebyss 4%

Relicanth 8% Luvdisc 10% Bagon 12%
Shelgon 0%
Salamence -10%

Beldum 12% Regirock 30% Latias 100%
Metang 0% Regice 30% Latios 100%
Metagross -10% Registeel 30%

Kyogre 50% Jirachi 100% Deoxys 0%
Groudon -10%
Rayquaza -10%

----VERSION 1.2 CHANGES----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ponyta has replaced Slugma in Fiery Field 1-5F
Weepinbell has replaced Gloom in Silent Chasm 5-9F (Gloom still appears in 1-4F)
Victreebel has replaced Grovyle in Western Cave 45-49F (Grovyle still appears in 38-44F)
Chansey now has a 5% chance to spawn in Western Cave 28-35F

Certain Legendaries may have been rendered unrecruitable by an unwillingness to give you their friend area.
To remedy this, all legendary friend areas must now be purchased from Wigglytuff's postgame shop.

Database match: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Red Rescue Team (USA, Australia)
Database: No-Intro: Game Boy Advance (v. 20180816-092117)
File/ROM SHA-1: 9F4CFC5B5F4859D17169A485462E977C7AAC2B89
File/ROM CRC32: DD0AC86C
Time to Beat
Main Story 19h 0m
Main + Extras 40h 0m
Speedrun Avg 2h 59m
Release Date
Nov 28, 2020
3 years ago
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