Pokémon Orange Islands is a role-playing video game for the Game Boy Advance featuring Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town. Following his victory at the Indigo League, Ash is tasked by Professor Oak to retrieve a special Poké Ball from Valencia Island. The game encompasses episodes from the Orange Islands saga, integrating key storylines and mini-quests, reflecting themes from the anime series.
You will play as Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town! Just after Ash conquered the Indigo League he got back to his mom in his hometown where Professor Oak has a new objective for him. He wants Ash to go to Valencia Island to pick up a strange kind of Pokeball for him, since Professor Ivy is unable to send it to him through the PC system. Of course Ash is eager to take this easy objective. What happens after this is, of course, already known to you because we all saw the anime. Nearly all episodes on the Orange Islands are covered, but not all events are necessarily very prominent. Some episodes are implemented as an important part of the storyline, while some are just miniquests.