Pokémon Ruby Destiny: Rescue Rangers is a fan-made role-playing game for the Game Boy Advance inspired by the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series. Players assume the role of Pikachu, who awakens in a Pokémon world and discovers their new identity. Joined by Torchic and Chikorita, the player embarks on a quest to rescue Pokémon in need, exploring dungeons and overcoming challenges along the way.
If you know Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Series of Nintendo, this game style is the same as that series. You are Pikachu and have to rescue other Pokemon that need helps.
On your 12th birthday, a strange aura came in your room. You are in a deep sleep. When you wake up, you see Torchic and Chikorita. But you can not believe that they call you Pikachu and you are now a Pokemon. You are so confused but then two Pokemon offer you to join their Rescue Team. And so begins your journey.