Scooby-Doo! Mystery Mayhem is a platform game for the Game Boy Advance inspired by the popular animated series. Players control Scooby-Doo and Shaggy as they navigate five expansive episodes featuring eerie locations such as a deserted movie set and a haunted bayou. The objective is to uncover The Tome of Doom, capture various monsters, and solve mysteries while collecting Scooby Snacks and completing puzzles.
Based on the cartoon series, in the Game Boy Advance version players must lead Scooby-Doo and Shaggy through five huge episodes, exploring creepy environments such as an abandoned movie set, the ghoulish Wild West, a bayou, and a cobweb covered laboratory. They must find The Tome of Doom, capture monsters and solve the mystery, munching Scooby Snacks(TM) along the way. Platform-style game play includes outrunning monsters, searching for clues and puzzle solving.