SD Gundam Force is an action-adventure game for the Game Boy Advance based on the animated series. Players assume the roles of iconic characters such as Captain Gundam, Zero the Winged Knight, and Musha Bakunetsumaru to defend Neotopia from an ancient threat. The game features three diverse worlds and culminates in a confrontation against the sinister berserker Abigor, challenging players to rescue Shute and thwart the evil empire.
Play as your favorite Gundam Force character from the animated series and save the peaceful capital Neotopia from a mysterious ancient force. You can play the role of Captain Gundam, Zero the Winged Knight, or Musha Bakunetsumaru; equip your characters with weapons and items; and then head into battle. The journey spans three worlds and ends with a final showdown with the evil berserker Abigor. It's up to you to rescue Shute from the Dimension Halo and destroy the evil empire.