Shin Megami Tensei II is a Game Boy Advance adaptation of the original PlayStation title, featuring exclusive content. It is characterized by first-person dungeon exploration and turn-based combat involving demons. Players can engage in conversations with demons to recruit them and utilize a fusion system to combine two or three demons, creating new entities for their journey. The port is noted for its reduced visual fidelity and sound quality.
Shin Megami Tensei II is a port of the PlayStation remake of Shin Megami Tensei II with new content exclusive to Game Boy Advance version. However, this port also has washed out colors and lower quality music than its PlayStation counterpart, due to hardware capabilities of Game Boy Advance.
The gameplay uses first-person navigation of dungeons and turn-based battles against demons. The player can recruit demons as allies by talking to them rather than fighting them, and two to three demons can be fused to create new demons.