Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith is an action-adventure game developed by Ubisoft for the Game Boy Advance, based on the film of the same name. Players control iconic characters like Obi-Wan and Anakin during the Clone Wars, utilizing unique combat abilities and Force powers. The game features various locations from the movie and delivers an engaging gameplay experience tailored for handheld devices.
The Clone Wars continue to rage between the Republic and the Separatists. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine has been taken hostage, and Obi-Wan, together with Anakin, must rescue him! The Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith games for the Game Boy Advance and Nintendo DS systems allow players to experience the stunning Jedi action of the movie. Developed by Ubisoft's Montreal studio, each version leverages the strengths of its handheld platform to produce the ultimate Jedi action experience. The control of multiple heroes, devastating Force powers, and never-before-seen locations are just a few of the elements in store!