Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation 2 is a tactical role-playing game for the Game Boy Advance, serving as a sequel to the original title. Set in a post-war Earth, players assume command of mech pilots to confront emerging threats. With over 50 hours of gameplay, it features branching pathways, new characters, and enhanced animations, delivering intense strategic battles against formidable foes.
The battle rages on!
Peace slowly settles over the planet Earth after a brutal war against the alien armada. However, the world is not able to rest for long, as new forces emerge and threaten to bring Earth to it's knees once again. Use all the cunning and tactical skill you have to command the best and brightest mech pilots the world has ever seen in saving humanity from enemies bent on dominating the human race - or worse, annihilating it's very existence.
* Multiple branching pathways provide 50+ hours of strategy RPG gameplay!
* New allies, new enemies, and new mechs!
* Enhanced animations showcasing more extreme attacks!