Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a 2003 action-adventure game for the Game Boy Advance, inspired by the 2003 animated series. Players navigate unique levels for each of the four turtles, featuring side-scrolling gameplay alongside third-person racing segments. Notable elements include a shell-glider level for Donatello and a bike race with Raphael and Casey Jones. It was later released in a double pack with its sequel, TMNT 2: Battle Nexus.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a 2003 Game Boy Advance video game, based on the 2003 TV series. In this game each Turtle has his own unique set of levels to complete. In addition to the traditional side-scrolling levels, there are third-person view races, a shell-glider level for Donatello and a bike race between Raphael and Casey Jones. The game was also issued in a double pack with it's sequel TMNT 2: Battle Nexus.